00:00 DEIMOS Offered by which includes both. 00:05 DEIMOS Um, well the own rest API we think is probability all the open oppa W FS W and WCS and the rest. 00:18 DEIMOS Right? 00:18 DEIMOS Right. 00:20 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So the data, I mean the the I mean the imagery data is not available like in on a file system or on on in S3 buckets or anything like that. 00:31 Peter Vretanos Right? 00:32 Peter VretanosDEIMOS I mean it is there but we don't want to provide it as like this we want to use the platform whole point of this is not it's not about integrated with the integrating with AWS is about with RDS. 00:50 [speaker unknown]: Okay, so you guys are using arcgis. 00:53 Peter Vretanos So if my WPS wanted to access imagery from your system, I'd have to do it through 00:59 Peter Vretanos The arcgis API right? 01:03 Peter Vretanos What? 01:04 Peter VretanosDEIMOS No, um, I think let me see. 01:07 DEIMOS Okay. 01:08 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Well, look, here's here's the I mean the way this thing works is some developer write the program and puts it in a Docker container. 01:18 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Okay that program, uh needs to it takes inputs and it takes out and it generates output and those inputs and outputs are described to my WPS using you know, the WPS description language. 01:35 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Um, so when the developer is ready he registers or deploy that application to my WPS now normally what happens is my w keys will read that description. 01:52 Peter VretanosDEIMOS It will generate an elastic container service pass. 01:59 Peter VretanosDEIMOS It'll pass that to AWS. 02:02 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So that task will now be defined and it'll just be sitting there waiting for somebody to execute that process when they execute the process my WPS looks at the execute request and that execute request will include um, input and outputs. 02:22 Peter VretanosDEIMOS It'll tell me, you know here the input parameters here the output parameters, so I will set up the environment on AWS by using um, you know a run, um, you know through their elastic container service they have arrest API and I create a Json document that tells the API execute this task that I had previously defined with these arguments. 02:47 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Now those arguments are typically things like, you know images, you know, here's an input image and generate this output image or something like that. 02:58 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Um, 02:59 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So my WPS does things like okay, where's the image coming from? 03:07 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Is it on a file system? 03:09 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Okay. 03:09 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Let me Mount the file system and then let me uh, you know, make that mount Point available inside of the docker container or if it's like an S3 bucket. 03:22 Peter Vretanos Okay. 03:23 Peter Vretanos Let me pass the S3 bucket to the docker container because the program that's executing in there knows how to read S3 buckets. 03:30 Peter Vretanos So I think what you're saying, is that the see my WPS doesn't really take the data itself. 03:38 Peter Vretanos It's the program inside of the the of the docker container that's reading that that imagery and doing something with it. 03:49 Peter Vretanos All of that is more less opaque to me and what I think you're saying is that in order for that Docker program to access the imagery from your system. 03:59 Peter VretanosDEIMOS After access it through the arc GIS API either the rest API or one of the ogc web services like WCS or something. 04:09 Peter Vretanos Is that correct? 04:11 Peter VretanosDEIMOS I think so good that be possible. 04:13 DEIMOS I would you still need physical. 04:16 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Okay, so that it depends on the guy who wrote the program which is not us right? 04:21 Peter Vretanos It's some developer. 04:23 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So if he has written the program in a way that it expects data to be on the file system, for example, like it wasn't testbed 13 the program the land cover program expected the data to be in some directory. 04:41 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Then what ends up happening is the WPS needs to Stage the data for the docker container in which case my WPS would have to access the arcgis API to read the data copy it into some temporary staging directory so that the doctor can 04:59 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Would work right? 05:02 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So it's really it's not really an issue with the WPS. 05:06 Peter VretanosDEIMOS It depends on how the program that was written by the developerworks if that program knows how to access data through an OG C web service or from the you know, our GIS API then it'll work. 05:24 Peter Vretanos I don't have to do anything. 05:26 Peter Vretanos I just need to tell it here's the data that you need to access read it from arcgis and or from the ogc web service and off you go. 05:34 Peter Vretanos So, I'm not sure how how all of that gets conveyed to my WPS to set that up exactly, but we'll have to work out those details. 05:44 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So it'll have to be something that needs to be put into the application package. 05:50 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So I mean the way that all of this information is conveyed to the WPS through an application package. 05:59 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So the 06:00 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Package is an ows context document which is just a really just a an extended atom feed and within that feed there are entries, you know, one of the entries is here's the the reference to the docker container. 06:17 Peter VretanosDEIMOS The other entry is here's the description of the process and then there are other entries here our catalog entries for you to look up things for various arguments Etc. 06:27 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So we'd have to extend it somehow to let the WPS know if if required to know that it would need to Stage the data, right? 06:39 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Otherwise the docker program itself within the container would know, you know, the program within the docker container would know how to access the data from from arcgis or from the ogc web service. 06:53 Peter Vretanos And all I would have to do is give it the reference to the data that it needs to access. 06:58 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Is that you 06:59 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Understanding what I'm saying or I'm following. 07:02 Peter Vretanos Yes. 07:04 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Have you guys seen what an application package looks not that not in this context? 07:11 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Let me just let me interrupt you. 07:17 DEIMOS There is no way because we do have will have actually in the month a process thing processing function which can be called through WPS, which is actually to obtain the original original original file. 07:33 DEIMOS So we could download it into the application domain right? 07:40 DEIMOS It can be it could be may be mounted in the file system that's on the application side. 07:46 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Yeah. 07:51 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So the point here this way, I believe he's going to be less optimal because then you are loaded. 07:58 DEIMOS Maybe you don't need everything. 08:01 Peter VretanosDEIMOS You see the thing is that we really don't we don't know what we need to do until we know which test program they want to use right because it depends like if the dacra see this is a developer who's written a program and put it into a Docker container or if that program already knows how to read data from the arcgis API or from an OG C web service, then we don't have to do anything. 08:29 Peter Vretanos All we need to do is give it the reference obviously the proper authorization and all of that. 08:35 Peter VretanosDEIMOS All we need to do is give it the reference here is the you know, here's the the the rest resource URL in the arcgis arcgis server or here's the get coverage request to get the data and the program will read it. 08:49 Peter VretanosDEIMOS But if the program doesn't know how to do that then we may need to intervene and Stage the data for the 08:59 Peter VretanosDEIMOS In which case what you're talkin about is something that allow me to get the the original file. 09:06 Peter VretanosDEIMOS That's when that would come in useful, but we can't really tell which direction to go until we know which test program we're going to be using and if but the whole point of this problem is actually to to make it as a standard as possible so that every application good work as long as it has it has the data itself, right? 09:27 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So the goal is yes is the goal is to put the data on the container context. 09:32 DEIMOS Okay. 09:33 DEIMOS I got it. 09:33 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Yeah, so well, I mean there is another approach which would follow what you guys are doing and that is in testbed 13. We had this concept of you know, the docker container in addition to the program. 09:49 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So, you know, let's say I've written a program called land covers something and I put it in the docker container in addition to that that container also has two 09:59 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Include two other programs called stage in and Stage out and stage in and Stage out our programs that know how to bring the data into the container and then how to copy it out of the container. 10:12 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Right? 10:13 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So the the program itself would read would call stage in or the WPS could do it and that would make the data available to the program in the container and then stage out but you know, we didn't really test that that much in testbed 13, so I'm not sure if that would work or not. 10:35 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Okay. 10:40 Peter VretanosDEIMOS I mean generally, you know, I generally I think um, it sounds like we're mostly okay in the sense that you know all of the data access from your system is done through Arcus or through a W-2 anode. 10:59 Peter Vretanos See web service, right? 11:01 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Yes, and we of course using we can deploy in containers using the the container service and we the data of the okay, which I mean which region do you guys run your stuff? 11:16 Peter VretanosDEIMOS And I guess the the European region or something, right? 11:19 Peter Vretanos Yeah right. 11:20 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Now these actually us but uh, we had all been we are moving to Ireland. 11:25 DEIMOS Yes. 11:25 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Well you have these one would be good because that's the region where we have our server. 11:32 Peter Vretanos That's okay. 11:33 Peter VretanosDEIMOS We'll work that out. 11:34 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So I mean the way we usually deploy this is that we create an instance, you know, I mean we have one in u.s. East one and we install the WPS there. 11:47 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Um now do we need to install it into I mean as long as we install it somewhere in the AWS world we can access your server. 11:59 Peter VretanosDEIMOS With the appropriate, you know vacation and an authorization stuff right indeed and I think this is one of the beauty of these of this meeting to find out what you guys need to deploy in our infrastructure so we can write Issa. 12:15 DEIMOS Okay. 12:16 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Well, I mean look all we I mean the way we typically install this stuff as we have. 12:22 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Uh, I mean we have to work sweets that we have for example, I'll show you right now, right 14. So tv-14 is an Amazon Instant and uh, you know, we installed our Cube or sweet on that instance and that instance includes web feature Services Etc. 12:50 Peter VretanosDEIMOS And it also includes the web processing service which are looking at here and that web processing service has deploy a nun deploy. 12:59 Peter VretanosDEIMOS There are no other processes. 13:01 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So I would have to you know, I would have to actually deploy process to add something else, please. 13:11 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Oh, could I zoom in sure I uh better uh ready now. 13:24 [speaker unknown]: Yes. 13:25 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Okay, very good. 13:26 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Sorry. 13:28 Peter VretanosDEIMOS I have a really big display in nice. 13:32 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Oh and it comes I have a 30-inch like 4K display and it always screws up GoToMeeting. 13:39 Peter Vretanos Yeah, so let me hold on. 13:40 Peter Vretanos Let me just go back. 13:42 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Um, so what you're seeing here is deployed on an Amazon instance in us and its Cube work sweet. 13:53 Peter VretanosDEIMOS It's just our software and I mean we have something called to serve that. 13:59 Peter Vretanos You know basically implements all the ogc web services. 14:02 Peter Vretanos So I mean I can install the Q Burke sweet on any Amazon machine. 14:07 Peter Vretanos No problem. 14:08 Peter Vretanos So, okay. 14:10 [speaker unknown]: And then how big is that? 14:12 DEIMOS How many machines um, oh, uh, oh, that's a good question. 14:17 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Hold on. 14:17 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Let me see here. 14:18 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Uh, let me go to the console because I mean we will we will deploy one server here. 14:33 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Okay instances in so tv-14 is a C4 large instant. 14:53 Peter VretanosDEIMOS See if I can but keep in mind. 14:57 Peter VretanosDEIMOS I mean we're running all of our 14:59 Peter VretanosDEIMOS B14 servers on that machine. 15:02 Peter Vretanos Okay. 15:07 DEIMOS Could you send us an email maybe uh what you need to do that. 15:12 Peter VretanosDEIMOS We deploy not only that. 15:16 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Yes, but that's what I'm asking. 15:18 Peter VretanosDEIMOS I mean do we need to we need to deploy it on a machine in your environment or just in any Amazon on any Amazon machine, I mean in order to avoid data transfer cost and improve performance, I guess. 15:34 DEIMOS Okay. 15:35 DEIMOS All right. 15:36 DEIMOS Yeah, that's fine. 15:37 Peter VretanosDEIMOS I'll send you an email with the details of what's needed for that. 15:40 Peter Vretanos Okay. 15:42 [speaker unknown]: That's that's your part. 15:45 DEIMOS This is the only things that you have already included Your how do you call it these? 15:50 [speaker unknown]: Okay. 15:52 Peter VretanosDEIMOS They long name you said at the beginning which was a the one that makes the integration then the Grecian part with that with the applications the applications. 15:59 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Package because whatever. 16:02 Peter VretanosDEIMOS I mean the application package is something that's written. 16:06 Peter VretanosDEIMOS It's not something that we that we it's something that's written by the guy who writes the docker container. 16:12 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Right? 16:13 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Right. 16:14 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So I understand that we are gonna do a going to interact with two applications. 16:19 DEIMOS So, uh, we should talk with them about the number of uh applications are the tests. 16:27 DEIMOS We are running. 16:28 DEIMOS Do you have an idea like a development plan for testing those interactions and just trying to understand? 16:38 DEIMOS Yeah infrastructure. 16:39 DEIMOS We need over the this test. 16:42 DEIMOS Okay. 16:42 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Um, I wasn't I wasn't aware of which applications were running yet. 16:48 Peter VretanosDEIMOS But usually what I do is the first thing I try to do when I get these applications as I try to run them outside of the of this environment, 16:59 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So for example in testbed 13, they gave us the land cover applications. 17:05 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So they gave us the dockerfile to build the application and all of that. 17:10 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So, you know, I would I built the doctor instance and then I tested the programs outside of the of the AWS outside of everything just right just to see if I could run the program and make it do what it's supposed to do. 17:25 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Um, once that's done then the next step is I would develop I need to develop the application package that describes that application and the application package is what you're seeing on the screen. 17:40 Peter VretanosDEIMOS It just has you know, it has the information about the application which where where the docker container which registry it's in, uh, what the the process the inputs and outputs look like, you know and other information so, you know, I developed the application. 17:59 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Package, once the application package is developed. 18:02 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Then I I do a test deployment which means I run I submit the application package to the WPS and make sure that the WPS can read and register the application. 18:15 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So you remember back here? 18:17 Peter Vretanos Let me was that right here 14. I'll go back here. 18:37 Peter Vretanos So you remember here? 18:41 Peter Vretanos This is the WPS right now. 18:42 Peter Vretanos It's only showing two processes deploy process and undeployed when I take the application package and run the deploy process with that application package. 18:52 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Another process will appear here, whichever whatever we call it land cover or whatever the name. 18:59 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So I do that and then I try to execute it and see if I can execute it through the WPS. 19:05 Peter Vretanos That's the normal development cycle. 19:08 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Um now in testbed 13, you know during that cycle, you know you figure out okay, um does the application package have enough information in it for the WPS to figure out how to Stage the data that the that the program needs right and stuff like that. 19:30 Peter Vretanos So we worked out those details during that phase and that was it. 19:35 Peter Vretanos Once I once I figured all of that out, then you could run the program over and over with different arguments. 19:40 Peter VretanosDEIMOS All right Peter. 19:49 [speaker unknown]: I have a song other questions. 19:51 DEIMOS Um, I mean hour later it's about our data we of course we have our own there was one day. 19:59 DEIMOS They have these format. 20:01 DEIMOS Uh, I guess the application needs to be able to read that format, right? 20:07 DEIMOS That's correct. 20:10 DEIMOS Okay, we know that right our format quite as they are quite standard right? 20:22 DEIMOS But then this is a this is a limitation on the type of applications that can use our can use this in this way if they download the data if the use the apis the wouldn't be any any limitation is the right, right? 20:41 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Okay, correct. 20:43 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Yeah, I mean either I mean the pro the program that Isa gives us that's in the docker container. 20:50 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Either has to know how to read the day most native format. 20:54 Peter Vretanos Whatever that is or it no has to know how to access it through the arcgis. 20:59 Peter VretanosDEIMOS API or the W OG C web service API otherwise, I mean if that's not the case then oh sorry guys. 21:14 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Otherwise, if that's not the case then we need to convert the data on the Fly for the program and I hope that that's not what's going to happen. 21:23 Peter VretanosDEIMOS I mean that's that shouldn't be the case since I mean, that means that the whole point here is we want this whole chain of processing to run without human intervention. 21:36 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Yes, right. 21:37 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So, um, you know, I mean if it turns out that the format's don't aren't compatible. 21:44 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Then we'll have to raise the issue with the ISA. 21:47 Peter VretanosDEIMOS I mean, we have a program in in Cube work sweet called CW convert that can convert from you know, multiple hormats to multiple other formats. 21:59 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Um, but I'd hate to have to you know, what would have to happen in that case is we'd have to modify the docker container and include a script that you know, it does the conversion for the program. 22:14 Peter VretanosDEIMOS But no, that's no I mean, we don't we don't want to do that. 22:19 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So yeah, I mean the general principle is that the the doctor program needs to know how to read the format that you guys provide either the native damos format or whatever arcgis or ogc web services provide in this and then the second step and that is about the data configuration. 22:39 DEIMOS I mean the the the band's for example, if you want to use two Vans with the most bands, there is no problem because they are they are compatible then crossed rated but you cannot you cannot do Mick says something that doesn't make sense right defensively. 22:57 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Yeah again that depends. 22:59 Peter VretanosDEIMOS I mean that depends yeah that depends on the application. 23:02 Peter Vretanos Right? 23:02 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So I mean all we're doing is enabling the movement of the application closer to the data, but the application itself needs to know how to read the data how to process the data how to generate the output, you know, and yeah, okay can't otherwise I mean if that's not the case then we need to do manual intervention and we don't want that. 23:27 Peter VretanosDEIMOS We want this all to be automated. 23:29 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Okay. 23:29 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Now after we we make sure that application is combative is compatible and we have deployed this service. 23:38 DEIMOS Uh, we have integrated this Services through WPS or whatever method. 23:43 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Can we then use that container that application and policy with our platform? 23:51 Peter VretanosDEIMOS I guess that's the whole point. 23:53 DEIMOS Right? 23:53 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Well, I mean the access to the application. 23:59 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Is always done through the WPS, right? 24:02 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So when you do when you run the deploy process you provide the application package and then um what you'll see here is they'll be another process to execute. 24:14 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So in test bed 13, um, and you know what, I just blew away the testbed 13 instance, that's too bad in testbed 13, you would see another process here called land cover. 24:28 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So the idea is that you know, you guys as the data providers don't need to know anything about the program or how it's how its executed or anyting. 24:41 Peter VretanosDEIMOS All you need to do is, you know indicate to the guy writing the program how they can access the data the guy writing the program. 24:50 Peter VretanosDEIMOS He's the one who has to write this program to access the data process it generate output and then put all of that into a doctor. 24:59 Peter VretanosDEIMOS And the docker containers the responsibility of the WPS our software. 25:05 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So our software will take the docker container. 25:09 Peter Vretanos It'll set up whatever environment needs to set up to execute the container. 25:12 Peter VretanosDEIMOS And then at that point the contain or will access your data and do its processing generate the output and then the WPS our software will make the output available to the original caller or the guy who executed the program, right? 25:28 Peter Vretanos Okay. 25:29 Peter Vretanos Okay. 25:30 Peter VretanosDEIMOS I mean, I mean you could run. 25:33 Peter VretanosDEIMOS I mean you could run the the the program in your environment, but I mean, that's the whole point of having the WPS and between it provides a standard interface. 25:42 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So you don't need to do any of that that's all managed by the ades or the WPS. 25:50 Peter Vretanos It's all managed by the ades. 25:52 Peter Vretanos So it's the application deployment and execution service that deploys the application and then executes it. 25:59 Peter VretanosDEIMOS But it depends on the fact that the application knows how to read your data, whether that, you know, either through the arcgis API or through the OTC apis and and knows how to work with the format. 26:14 Peter VretanosDEIMOS But as you said if it's going through the arcgis API or the ogc API assume it has a variety of output formats it could request right? 26:23 Peter Vretanos Okay. 26:26 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So Peter I just thought a couple of broader questions actually on testbed 14. Yeah, who else is involved in this thread the thread of developing the applications? 26:41 Peter VretanosDEIMOS And yeah, so I mean the there's their space Belle there's a few other companies, um, each of them. 26:50 Peter Vretanos I mean each there also, I mean there's damos you guys who are providing so there this is running on multiple cloud. 26:59 Peter VretanosDEIMOS And multiple application deployment and execution Services provided by multiple vendors so our stuff runs on AWS. 27:09 Peter VretanosDEIMOS That's why Christian wanted us to talk since you guys run on AWS as well. 27:14 Peter VretanosDEIMOS But there's also um, you know, there's a there are vendors who are running on openstack and then there are vendors who are running on ITT Poland, which I think is openstack and then there are vendors who are running on nrk, that's the national research Council of Canada Cloud, which I think is openstack. 27:35 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So we have openstack and we have AWS we're doing the AWS part and the other guys are doing the um the open Stock Parts, but then all of that, I mean so the program that they described in at the beginning of the of the of the in the thread was that it's 27:59 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Be a program that runs a workflow and part of the workflow are going to run on AWS other parts are going to run on openstack. 28:08 Peter VretanosDEIMOS And then there's going to be an integration process that will access each of the that's why they wanted to use the WPS because in front of each of these Cloud environments is going to be sitting a WPS that has a standard way to execute the program and a standard way to get the results. 28:28 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So this integration process is going to run the workflow. 28:32 Peter VretanosDEIMOS It's going to you know, it's going to delegate or or partition out the job. 28:38 Peter VretanosDEIMOS It's going to say, you know, okay Cube works and Amos you guys run this part of the job, you know space Val and IPP you guys run that part of the job, um, you know, whoever else and are can you guys run that part of the job when all of those portions are done the integration point is going to then access each WPS. 28:59 Peter Vretanos They get result get result get result and then integrate the results somehow. 29:03 Peter VretanosDEIMOS I don't know exactly what it's going to do. 29:05 Peter VretanosDEIMOS But so the application is going to be both a workflow and uh programs that run in Docker containers. 29:14 Peter VretanosDEIMOS And actually the workflow itself may be executed inside of a Docker container as well. 29:19 Peter VretanosDEIMOS They're talkin about using uh, cwl common workflow language and you know, the the execution engine for that may be running in a Docker container as well. 29:30 Peter VretanosDEIMOS But that's one step in front of us where you know, we're basically we Cube works and the other some of the other vendors were acting as you know, the the standard interface to the each of the cloud environment. 29:43 Peter Vretanos So we're acting as the standard interface the WPS basically the WPS interface to AWS. 29:51 Peter Vretanos There's another one that's running uh to, you know, running on openstack in the IPC Poland. 29:59 Peter Vretanos There's another one that's running on openstack in in the nrk environment. 30:03 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So yeah, that's basically the sort of the overall picture of what's going on in terms of testbed 14 if they defined the kind of scenario or the the demonstration, uh workflow yet with no, that's something that that's something that's done by all of us. 30:23 Peter VretanosDEIMOS I mean, we as the providers and the and you know, the guys who were putting the software together, you know, we talked to ISA of course because they have a certain thing in mind but you know, we are the ones who come up with the scenario. 30:39 Peter VretanosDEIMOS And is there any sort of some of the other threads where is this quite stand alone for the year, but uh, I think there's the cross-reference seems to be coming in right now at the at the level of authentication and security more than I mean in previous tests. 30:59 Peter VretanosDEIMOS They used to do a try to do an overall theme. 31:01 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So, you know, all of the threads would be some would be bound by a common demo scenario, but I don't think that's the case. 31:09 Peter VretanosDEIMOS It wasn't the case in testbed 13 and I don't think it's going to be the case and testbed 14 either. 31:14 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Okay, understood. 31:20 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Oh, I have also a general question maybe because I don't forget Stan how the test go. 31:26 Peter VretanosDEIMOS I mean, uh, what is the outcome of all of these at I mean, we are testing I guess an implementation of a of a new yeah. 31:36 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Well, okay. 31:37 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So the outcome of this is the following first of all, there's going to be a period of time when we need to demonstrate in this in the teleconferences to the sponsors what we've done right? 31:50 DEIMOS So we need to run a demo. 31:52 Peter Vretanos Okay, then, uh, we also need to make video clips or you know small 31:59 Peter Vretanos Video Snippets of the demo running so that ogc can then create an overall video for the test bed at the end. 32:07 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So that sort of the demonstration or the other the more concrete things that come out of these things are the engineering reports and the engineering reports are exactly that we describe what exactly we did what issues we ran into what decisions you know, what Solutions we looked at which decisions we took and we describe all of that in the engineering report and part of that is that if one of those Solutions requires a change to to the test bed to an existing standard that we have to generate a change request for that standard now in terms of the work that we do actually becoming a standard that's also a possibility. 32:51 Peter Vretanos I mean many times these engineering reports end up becoming ogc standards for example for 32:59 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Earth observation clouds, right, but I'm you know that that depends on that's why if you've seen in the threads, you know, we've all had to go and ask certain standards working groups and domain working groups to review our document. 33:14 Peter Vretanos That's because we want them to be aware of what we're doing so that you know, they they are aware of the work and they consider it when they're they're deciding which standards to publish. 33:25 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So I mean the main written output of all of this are the engineering reports do we know who's responsible for authoring that for the EOC? 33:37 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Who's got the yeah, we uh, we could I could find that out. 33:40 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Hold on. 33:40 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Let me just look here. 33:41 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Uh-uh. See ya. 33:51 Peter Vretanos Well proposal manager Maybe. 34:03 Peter VretanosDEIMOS What I want hold on. 34:10 Peter Vretanos Let me think. 34:10 Peter Vretanos Where would that be? 34:11 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Oh, yeah, you know what we could look at the portal. 34:14 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Let's go there. 34:16 DEIMOS Yeah deliverables less than the portal. 34:19 DEIMOS Yeah. 34:19 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Yeah, nothing like that. 34:21 Peter VretanosDEIMOS That's what I'm looking for 14 maybe in the wiki perhaps you guys should have access to all of this as well. 34:37 Peter Vretanos Right? 34:38 Peter Vretanos Absolutely. 34:40 Peter VretanosDEIMOS We are not all you see members we have the okay. 34:44 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Then what that's the other day most. 34:45 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Okay, then what you guys need to do? 34:47 Peter VretanosDEIMOS I'll talk to Christian a Christian can actually create accounts for you under the East account with useful, you know, yeah. 34:58 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Talk to him. 34:59 Peter VretanosDEIMOS I'll send him an email and then and then um, and then uh incopy you guys and it first comes to worst. 35:09 Peter VretanosDEIMOS I mean, I'll talk to add our president and I can put you under our account. 35:14 Peter VretanosDEIMOS But I mean it would be really silly that ogc wouldn't uh wouldn't give you guys accounts for running on things. 35:24 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Okay, uh, it was personal. 35:30 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Yeah, there's some day most as but they haven't filled it out completely. 35:34 Peter Vretanos Who is where hold on. 35:36 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Just give me one second here. 35:37 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Um, wait up. 35:39 Peter Vretanos I'm going to go I have that. 35:40 Peter Vretanos Let me look at the cfpb here. 35:43 [speaker unknown]: Oh, you know what? 35:45 Peter Vretanos Let's go. 35:45 Peter Vretanos Let's do this. 35:46 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Let's go to kick opening plenary. 35:56 Peter Vretanos I'm sure they must have the 35:59 Peter Vretanos Stuff in there. 36:04 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Okay, you guys won't see this as I don't I'm not sharing that part of my screen, but let me just look here. 36:11 Peter VretanosDEIMOS They have the list of who's doing what I see that everyone supposed to put their deliverables into that deliverable table that I was at but they they haven't done that. 36:42 Peter Vretanos So that's that's a problem. 36:48 Peter Vretanos The engineering report is being done by 37:01 Peter Vretanos Where is that testbed status? 37:04 Peter Vretanos Maybe it's their task. 37:07 Peter Vretanos Maybe. 37:13 Peter Vretanos Okay, so it's not a I know that where is this our status log? 37:27 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Oh, I hope it is because you think it might be a special it could be spaced well, but I mean we'll find out. 37:37 Peter Vretanos Hold on. 37:37 Peter VretanosDEIMOS I think I got a link that the that has something here. 37:42 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Okay, because here we go Application package. 37:47 Peter VretanosDEIMOS ER is Paolo Sacramento and he is with so Lennox. 37:52 Peter Vretanos I think I know. 37:54 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Yeah, so it's Paolo doing that. 37:58 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So he's doing the application package ER and the ades and EMS results in best practices are and then I guess Vincent is from the other day most they're doing the authorization. 38:13 Peter VretanosDEIMOS I sent the and billing I think firstly would he guys I don't know interesting so okay. 38:26 DEIMOS Okay. 38:28 DEIMOS Uh, I don't have any more questions. 38:30 DEIMOS I don't know you guys so let's say let's set a set the next steps. 38:37 DEIMOS I have having if you can send us the the requirements for your part. 38:44 Peter VretanosDEIMOS I will either contact with the application developers or assume that it's just that we deploy containers in there over there. 38:55 Peter VretanosDEIMOS I mean, okay. 38:55 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So let me ask you this. 38:57 Peter VretanosDEIMOS I mean really all we need. 38:58 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Is is an instance where I can I mean we've already installed it in I showed you on TV 14. That's an instance an Amazon Instant. 39:12 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Um and beyond that. 39:14 Peter VretanosDEIMOS The only other thing we need is to define a cluster where we can run the you know, the container service the elastic containers purpose. 39:23 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Um beyond that that's that's about all we need but I'll send you an email with the requirement and uh, and we can take it from there. 39:32 Peter Vretanos Okay. 39:33 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So I I will deal with my I will talk with my it Department to see the best way to deploy please foreign accounts, of course and how to control everything and I guess we will start in September. 39:52 DEIMOS It's the right. 39:53 DEIMOS Yeah. 39:54 Peter VretanosDEIMOS I mean, I'll probably be done way before then but um, you know, 39:58 Peter Vretanos I'm by the end of the summer. 40:00 Peter VretanosDEIMOS My my stuff will probably be all finished in terms of development. 40:06 Peter VretanosDEIMOS The only other thing that the only other requirement that I have is I mean, you know, I'm gonna deploy this stuff in an instance, you know, either on our you know, the one that we created or one that you guys provide but I'll need access to that instance the update as I make changes, right? 40:23 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Okay. 40:24 Peter VretanosDEIMOS So, you know, I'll need I'll need to have access to the instance so I can log in and update the cube or sweet as I make chicken. 40:32 Peter Vretanos I'm going to be testing and then you know when things aren't working. 40:36 Peter Vretanos I'll fix it and put on a new version and stuff like that. 40:40 Peter Vretanos Okay. 40:41 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Yeah sound makes out right? 40:43 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Okay guys if you want to have another meeting next week or you know in a couple of weeks, let me know and I can set it up so that we can just you know, keep touch-based periodically to make sure we're we're tracking everything. 40:58 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Needs to be tracked. 40:59 Peter VretanosDEIMOS Uh, yes, I mean we are really busy these days. 41:04 DEIMOS Uh, I don't know if you know, but that we are launching a new person or not launching. 41:10 DEIMOS We're picking off a new constellation program. 41:13 Peter VretanosDEIMOS I'm sure and I'll get in touch with Christian to see about setting up accounts for you. 41:21 Peter Vretanos Um, I'll copy ogc. 41:23 Peter Vretanos I mean, it's you know, even though you guys aren't GC members. 41:27 Peter Vretanos I mean, you know, they should give you access since you're working on the testbed 14. Okay, I gotta go into another teleconference now, uh, we'll call it will call it quits there and uh, we'll talk on the email. 41:45 Peter Vretanos Okay? 41:45 Peter Vretanos All right. 41:46 Peter Vretanos Thank you guys.