[appendix] = XML Schema Documents * Introduction This annex contains the normative schemas for the _<>_, the _<>_ and the _<>_. * *wis.xsd* ---- This XML Schema Document includes and imports, directly or indirectly, all the XML Schemas defined by the Web Integration Service (WIS) Implementation Specification. WIS is an OGC Engineering Report. Copyright (c) 2014 Open Geospatial Consortium. To obtain additional rights of use, visit http://www.opengeospatial.org/legal/ . ---- * *owsGetAssociations.xsd* ---- This XML schema document provides a schema for the GetAssociations operation which allows a service to advertise its associations. Copyright (c) 2014 Open Geospatial Consortium. To obtain additional rights of use, visit http://www.opengeospatial.org/legal/ . ---- * *associations.xsd* ---- This XML Schema Document includes and imports, directly or indirectly, all the XML Schemas defined by the Web Integration Service (WIS) Engineering Report. WIS is an OGC Engineering Report. Copyright (c) 2010 Open Geospatial Consortium. To obtain additional rights of use, visit http://www.opengeospatial.org/legal/ . An identifier of a particular resource within an OGC web service. If the identifier is inherently namespace-qualified (as is the case, for example, with WFS feature types), then it should indicate the namespace via the "namespace" attribute. The namespace (if applicable) of the identifier. A web-accessible resource. A resource may be either a URL-addressible resource or an OGC-Web-Service resource. If the latter, the specified URL is the canonical base URL of the OGC web service that serves the resource, and an identifier is supplied which locates the resource within that service. The OGC service type must be deduced by the specified resource type. E.g., a wmsLayer resource is served by a WMS server while a wfsFeatureType resource is served by a WFS server. The identifier of the resource within the OGC web service. Supply if and only if this is an OGC-Web-Service resource (i.e., if its address is a tuple of OGC-web-service base URL and service-instance-specific identifier). The type of the resource, using a controlled vocabulary. (E.g., "wmsLayer", "wmtsLayer", "wfsFeatureType", "wcsCoverage", "ogcWebService", "webPage"). Note that a type of "ogcWebService" indicates that the resource is the OGC web service itself, in which case the identifier must be omitted since it is not a resource served by an OGC web service. The vocabulary of this attribute is defined and controlled by specific application domains which should specify a set of standard values and their meanings, but which shall not constrain the use to only these values. Parsers shall not fail on unrecognized values of this attribute, and are free to ignore associations that specify an unrecognized value for this attribute. Identifies the resource (or the server of an OGC-Web-Service resource) by URL reference. If the resource is an OGC-Web-Service resource, the URL must be the canonical base URL of the OGC web service that serves the resource. If the resource is of type "ogcWebService", the the URL must be the canonical base URL of the OGC web service. All other resource types are considered to be directly addressible by the supplied URL reference. A set of associations. An association between two resources. An association is logically of the form "SOURCE REL TARGET", where the SOURCE resource is the subject of a directional RELationship of the specified type with the TARGET resource. E.g., "layer X renders feature type Y". The source resource of the association. The target resource of the association. An optional identifier for this association. The intent is to be able to assign an identifier to an association when it is considered a first class object. The association type, using a controlled vocabulary. (E.g., "renders", "renderedBy", "tiles", "tiledBy", "cascades", "cascadedBy", "alternateSource", "describes", "describedBy".) The vocabulary of this attribute is defined and controlled by specific application domains which should specify a set of standard values and their meanings, but which shall not constrain the use to only these values. Parsers shall not fail on unrecognized values of this attribute, and are free to ignore associations that specify an unrecognized value for this attribute. ----