Future Work Extended security for WIS content Extend the security implementation to determine the visibility of service endpoints in the WIS capabilities based on user authorization. Propose solutions to reconcile authentication and authorization for the WIS, catalog and services. Approaches for filtering of WIS content It may be useful for a content provider to expose subsets of services through the WIS. For example, an environmental data provider may wish to provide separate entry points for oceanographic and atmospheric data, along with an additional entry point to expose both data holdings. A direct solution might be to stand up a separate WIS instance for each data holding. However, care must be taken to avoid collision between instances, while minimizing redundancy and resource usage. It may be preferable to extend the specification so that a single instance can support subsets of services. A "passive" approach is for the WIS capabilities response to contain groupings or metadata attributes to categorize services. The client would be responsible for processing the response to identify the groupings. A more active approach is to implement a parameter or operation allowing a client to specify a simple category filter in the service request. Software Tools For a service implementation that does more than simply returning a static capabilities response, software tools may aid in configuration of the service content. It may be useful to implement an interface to manage the list of service endpoints and the metadata cache, including the ability to add/remove endpoints, restrict access to content, and configure cache settings. Tools to facilitate the creation of service associations may help speed the adoption of the Web Integration Service. A software library could provide developers with an easy means of implementing the GetAssociations operation. A configuration tool for this library could be used for data providers to quickly configure association metadata for their services.