[[Clause_Requirements]] == New Requirements Statement === Status Quo The current synchronization protocol is defined in document OGC 15-010r4, OGC® Testbed-11 WFS-T Information Exchange Architecture. As defined in OGC 15-010r4, the protocol allows synchronizing peers to request each other's change sets since some specified checkpoint on a per-feature-type basis. === Requirements Statement There are several issues with the synchronization protocol as defined in OGC 15-010r4: First, there is no way for a requesting peer to determine the size of the change set that a responding peer would generate in response to a sync request. Thus, a means is required for a requesting peer to be able to request the size of the changes set since some specified checkpoint. This is akin to the resultType parameter defined for WFS GetFeature request (see OGC 14-102, Second, if a requesting peer is only interested in a subset of features defined by some filter, there is no means for the requesting peer to indicate that the responding peer prune the change set based on that filter. Finally, there is no means currently defined for a requesting peer to request that the responding peer resolve references that might exists in the features in the change set. Thus a means is required for a requesting peer to be able to specify that the responding peer resolve references. This is akin to the resolve parameters defined for the WFS GetFeature request (see OGC 14-102, 7.6.4).