Open Geospatial Consortium

Submission Date: <yyyy-mm-dd>

Approval Date: <yyyy-mm-dd>

Publication Date: 2024-05-14

External identifier of this OGC® document:

Internal reference number of this OGC® document: 20-004

Version: 1.0.0-rfc.2

Category: OGC® Implementation Standard

Editors: Panagiotis (Peter) A. Vretanos, Tom Kralidis, Angelos Tzotsos, Charles Heazel

OGC API - Records - Part 1: Core

Copyright notice

Copyright © 2020-2024 Open Geospatial Consortium

To obtain additional rights of use, visit


This document is not an OGC Standard and is still a work in progress. This document is distributed for review and comment. This document is subject to change without notice and may not be referred to as an OGC Standard.

Recipients of this document are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and to provide supporting documentation.

Document type: OGC® Standard

Document subtype: Interface

Document stage: Draft

Document language: English

License Agreement

Permission is hereby granted by the Open Geospatial Consortium, ("Licensor"), free of charge and subject to the terms set forth below, to any person obtaining a copy of this Intellectual Property and any associated documentation, to deal in the Intellectual Property without restriction (except as set forth below), including without limitation the rights to implement, use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or sublicense copies of the Intellectual Property, and to permit persons to whom the Intellectual Property is furnished to do so, provided that all copyright notices on the intellectual property are retained intact and that each person to whom the Intellectual Property is furnished agrees to the terms of this Agreement.

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Table of Contents

i. Abstract

The OGC API family of Standards is being developed to make it easy for anyone to provide geospatial data over the web. These Standards build upon the legacy of the OGC Web Service Standards (WMS, WFS, WCS, WPS, CSW, etc.), but define resource-centric APIs that take advantage of modern web development practices.

This document defines the OGC API - Records - Part 1: Core Standard. In this document "Records API" refers to the OGC API - Records - Part 1: Core Standard.

The content of a Record makes a resource discoverable by providing summary information (metadata) about the resource. In this context, resources are things that would be useful to a user or developer, such as features, coverages, tiles / maps, styles, assets, machine models, services, processes, widgets, notebooks etc.

An implementation of the OGC API - Records Standard provides a way to browse or search a curated collection of records known as a catalog. The Records API Standard envisions deploying a catalog using one of the following patterns:

  • a collection of static files,

  • a collection of records accessed via an API.

A catalog can be deployed as a static collection of records stored in web-accessible files and typically co-located with the resources each record is describing. Such a deployment is amenable to browsing using a web browser, being crawled by a search engine crawler, or traversed by automated tools.

A catalog can also be deployed as an implementation of a Web API consisting of well-known endpoints for retrieving information about the catalog, retrieving records from the catalog and searching the catalog for subsets of records that satisfy user-defined search criteria (area of interest, temporal extent, keywords, etc.).

To enable this kind of flexible deployment of a collection of records, the Records API Standard defines the following set of common components:

  • a record,

  • a catalog (a collection of records),

  • a set of common query parameters,

  • the requirements and characteristics for implementation instances of a Records search API (hereafter termed the "search API").

A record is the atomic unit of information in a catalog. It contains descriptive information (metadata) about a resource such as:

  • a title,

  • a human readable description of the resource,

  • the nature or genre of the resource,

  • keywords associated with the resource,

  • information about the publisher or provider of the resource,

  • links to access the resource,

  • etc.

This information is generic and can be used to describe a wide variety of resources. The Records API Standard expects and encourages implementations to enrich the information content of a record to suit specific use cases, requirements, domains, or communities of interest.

A collection of records is itself described by a record that provides descriptive information about the catalog. The collection also provides access to the records of the collection either by explicitly linking to each record that is an item of the collection or by providing a search endpoint that allows the collection of records to be searched.

An implementation of a search API allows collections of records to be searched using logically connected spatial, temporal and scalar predicates. This Standard uses the OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core Standard for specifying requirements of the core of the Records search API. Additional parts from the OGC API - Features suite of standards can also be implemented to enhance the capabilities of the search API. The following table lists the endpoints of the core OGC API - Records API that allow a collection of records to be searched:

Table 1. Overview of resources, applicable HTTP methods and links to the document sections
Resource Path HTTP method Document reference

Landing page



API landing page

Conformance declaration




Record collections



Record collections

Record collection



Record Collection




Records access




Record Core

A special use case of a catalog deployed as an implementation of a Web API is the local resources catalog. A local resources catalog is a catalog deployed as an implementation of a Web API that makes local resources offered by a provider searchable using the catalog information model and accessed via the API. An example of a local resources catalog is the /collections endpoint of OGC API - Common - Part 2: Geospatial data or OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core. Adding catalog capabilities to this endpoint enables a client to search for collections that satisfy a specified filter expression. Any API endpoint defined in an OGC API Standard whose function is to provide descriptive metadata about other sub-resources accessible via the API can be extended to behave as a local resources catalog. The /collections endpoint is an examples of such an endpoint. The /collections endpoint provides metadata about the collections that a server offers. One can well imagine the benefits of being able to search for a specific subset of collection descriptions on a server that offers thousands of data collections.

ii. Keywords

The following are keywords to be used by search engines and document catalogs.

ogcdoc, OGC document, OGC API, catalog, record, records, resource, metadata, discovery, CSW, API, GeoJSON, HTML,, JSON-LD

iii. Preface

OGC Declaration

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The Open Geospatial Consortium Inc. shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

Recipients of this document are requested to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent claims or other intellectual property rights of which they may be aware that might be infringed by any implementation of the standard set forth in this document, and to provide supporting documentation.

iv. Submitting organizations

The following organizations submitted this Document to the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC):

  • CubeWerx Inc.

  • Meteorological Service of Canada

  • Geonovum

  • Open Source Geospatial Foundation

v. Submitters

All questions regarding this submission should be directed to the editor or the submitters:



Panagiotis (Peter) A. Vretanos (editor)

CubeWerx Inc.

Tom Kralidis (editor)

Meteorological Service of Canada

Linda van den Brink


Angelos Tzotsos (editor)

Open Source Geospatial Foundation

vi. Acknowledgements

This specification acknowledges and remembers Douglas Nebert. As part of USGS and FGDC, Doug was internationally recognized as a champion of metadata, discovery and interoperability. He was one of the editors of the OGC Catalogue Services specification and a longtime champion of spatial data infrastructure initiatives including the US efforts, GEOSS and beyond. Doug’s vision and expertise will always be remembered and appreciated by the specification editors and community.

1. Security Considerations

Given the dependencies on the OGC API - Common and OGC API - Features Standard, aspects of security are discussed in those Standards.

Metadata record encryption is out of scope for this Standard. However communities who wish to implement record encryption are free to do so as needed.

2. Scope

The OGC Records API Standard specifies requirements classes for a set of common components that can be assembled in various ways to deploy a collection of related descriptive information (metadata) about resources called a catalog. The atomic unit of information in a catalog is the record.

This Standard specifies the information content of a record. A record contains summary descriptive information (metadata) about a resource that a provider wishes to make discoverable. A record represents resource characteristics that can be presented for evaluation and further processing by both humans and software. Examples of resources include a data collection, a service, a process, a style, an Earth observation asset, a machine learning model, a code list and so on.

Records are organized into collections called catalogs. The Records API Standard describes how catalogs can be crawled or searched. Crawling a collection of records involves following embedded links from one record in a catalog to the next. Searching a collection of records involves specifying query predicates that define a subset of records.

3. Conformance

3.1. Overview

Conformance with this Standard shall be checked using the tests specified in Annex A (normative) of this document. The framework, concepts, and methodology for testing, and the criteria to claim conformance, are specified in the OGC Compliance Testing Policies and Procedures and the OGC Compliance Testing web site.

The standardization target of the conformance classes:

is "Document model".

The standardization target of the conformance classes:

is "Web APIs".

The standardization target of the conformance classes:

is "Document encoding".

The Conformance Classes implemented in an API are advertised through the /conformance path on the landing page. Each Conformance Class has an associated Requirements Class. The Requirements Classes define the functional requirements which will be tested through the associated Conformance Test.

3.2. Common components

This standard also identifies ten (10) requirements classes for common components:

These common components are not intended to be implemented independently but rather implemented as components of one or more catalog deployment types.

The Record Core conformance class defines the requirements for the core schema of a catalog record which is a set of properties (core properties) that can be used to make any resource discoverable via a catalog. This core set of properties can be extended as required by specific communities of interest and/or use cases.

The Record Collection conformance class defines requirements for the metadata used to describe a collection of related records referred to as a catalog in this Standard.

The Record query parameters conformance class defines a minimum set of query parameters that all queryable catalogs should provide.

The Records API conformance class defines the requirements for an API implementation for searching catalogs based on logically connected predicates that can include spatial and/or temporal predicates. The Records API Standard is based on OGC API - Feature - Part 1: Core with extensions specific to OGC API - Records. OGC API - Features provides a common foundation for other OGC API Standards for feature access. Therefore, this conformance class should be viewed as an extension to OGC API - Features. Conformance to this class requires demonstrated conformance to the applicable Conformance Classes define in the of OGC API - Features Standard.

The Sorting conformance class defines the requirements to support sorting of records in a query response.

The Filtering conformance class defines the requirements to support record filtering using CQL2.

The JSON conformance class defines the requirements for a JSON representation of a catalog object and a GeoJSON (see RFC 7946) representation of a standard catalog record.

The HTML conformance class defines the requirements for an HTML representation of a standard catalog record.

The OpenAPI 3.0 conformance class defines the requirements for server that use an OpenAPI 3.0 document to define their API.

The Autodiscovery conformance class defines requirements that allow catalogs that conform to this Standard and are associated with a web page or web site to be automatically discovered.

3.3. Catalog deployments

Using the above-mentioned common components, this Standard identifies the following catalog requirements classes:

Each of the top-level requirements classes, Crawlable Catalog, Searchable Catalog and Local Resources Catalog represent an implementable catalog composed of aggregations of the common components described above.

The Crawlable Catalog conformance class defines the core requirements for a catalog composed of a collection of web-accessible files. The files of a crawlable catalog may be static web pages or dynamically generated but regardless, they exist at a fixed URL and can be retrieved without the use of query parameters.

The Searchable Catalog, Searchable Catalog - Sorting, Searchable Catalog - Filtering conformance classes define the requirements for a catalog composed of a collection of records that is searchable via an API.

The Local Resources Catalog, Local Resources Catalog - Query Parameters, Local Resources Catalog - Sorting, Local Resources Catalog - Filtering conformance classes define the requirements for a local resources catalog which is a catalog composed of a list of resources offered by an OGC API deployment. The /collections endpoint is an example of a local resources catalog but other endpoints may exist in an OGC API deployment as well.

Table 2. Required common components by catalog deployment type
Common Component Deployment Type



Local Resources catalog

Record Core




Record collection




Record query parameters




Records API




















OpenAPI 3.0




3.4. Implementations

Implementors of this Standard select one or more of the catalog deployment requirements classes they wish to implement and then implement the required common component requirements classes.

3.5. Conformance testing

Conformance with this Standard shall be checked using all the relevant tests specified in Annex A of this document. The framework, concepts, and methodology for testing, and the criteria to be achieved to claim conformance are specified in the OGC Compliance Testing Policies and Procedures and the OGC Compliance Testing web site.

Table 3. Catalog Deployment Conformance class URIs
Conformance class URI

Crawlable Catalog

Searchable Catalog

Searchable Catalog - Filtering

Searchable Catalog - Sorting

Local Resources Catalog

Local Resources Catalog - Query Parameters

Local Resources Catalog - Filtering

Local Resources Catalog - Sorting

Table 4. Common Component Conformance class URIs
Conformance class URI

Record Core

Record Collection

Record Core Query Parameters

Records API





OpenAPI 3.0


4. References

The following normative documents contain provisions that, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.

  • Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frystyk, H., Masinter, L., Leach, P., Berners-Lee, T.: IETF RFC 2616, HTTP/1.1, RFC 2616

  • Rescorla, E.: IETF RFC 2818, HTTP Over TLS, RFC 2818

  • Klyne, G., Newman, C.: IETF RFC 3339, Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps, RFC 3339

  • Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., Masinter, L.: IETF RFC 3986, Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax, RFC 3986

  • Duerst, M., Suignard, M.: IETF RFC 3987, Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs), RFC 3987

  • Gregorio, J., Fielding, R., Hadley, M., Nottingham, M., Orchard, D.: IETF RFC 6570, URI Template, RFC 6570

  • Bray, T.: IETF RFC 7159, The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format, RFC 7159

  • Butler, H., Daly, M., Doyle, A., Gillies, S., Hagen, S., Schaub, T.: IETF RFC 7946: The GeoJSON Format, RFC 7946

  • Nottingham, M.: IETF RFC 8288, Web Linking, RFC 8288

  • Nottingham, M.: IETF, The Link-Template HTTP Header Field, draft-ietf-httpapi-link-template-latest

  • OGC 17-069r3: OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core,

  • OGC 19-079: OGC API - Features - Part 3: Filtering,

  • OGC 21-065: Common Query Language (CQL2),

  • Open API Initiative: OpenAPI Specification 3.0.3, OpenAPI


  • W3C: HTML5, W3C Recommendation, HTML5

5. Terms and Definitions

This document uses the terms defined in Sub-clause 5 of OGC API - Common Part 1 (OGC 19-072), which is based on the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards. In particular, the word "shall" (not "must") is the verb form used to indicate a requirement to be strictly followed to conform to this Standard.

For the purposes of this document, the following additional terms and definitions apply.

5.1. catalog; record collection

a collection of related records

5.2. conformance module; conformance test module

set of related tests, all within a single conformance test class (OGC 08-131)

NOTE: When no ambiguity is possible, the word `test` may be omitted. i.e. conformance test module is the same as conformance module. Conformance modules may be nested in a hierarchical way.

5.3. conformance class; conformance test class

set of conformance test modules that must be applied to receive a single certificate of conformance (OGC 08-131)

NOTE: When no ambiguity is possible, the word `test` may be omitted, so conformance test class may be called a conformance class.

5.4. dataset

collection of data, published or curated by a single agent, and available for access or download in one or more formats (DCAT)

5.5. deployment; deployment type

a set of components implemented to execute the runtime functions of a catalog

EXAMPLE: a crawlable catalog deployment composed of static, web-accessible files

EXAMPLE: a searchable catalog deployment composed of an API that can be used to dynamically search a collection of catalog records

5.6. distribution

represents an accessible form of a dataset (DCAT)

EXAMPLE: a downloadable file, an RSS feed or a web service that provides the data

5.7. executable test suite (ETS)

set of code (e.g. Java and CTL) that provides runtime tests for the assertions defined by the ATS. Test data required to do the tests are part of the ETS (OGC 08-134)

5.8. local resources endpoint

the path from which a catalog of local resources can be retrieved (e.g. /collections)

5.9. local resources catalog

an instance of the document or resource that is retrieved from a local resources endpoint

5.10. local resources item

an instance of an object that provides summary information about a discoverable local resource retrieved from a local resources catalog (e.g. /collections{/collectionID})

5.11. OGC API resource tree

a collection of resources defined by the set of OGC API Standards that are hierarchically organized and exposed by implementations of the OGC API Standards through a root node that is common to all OGC APIs

5.12. record

atomic unit of information of a catalog that is used to provide information (i.e. metadata) about a particular resource that the publisher of that resources wishes to make discoverable

5.13. recommendation

expression in the content of a document conveying that among several possibilities one is recommended as particularly suitable, without mentioning or excluding others, or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily required, or that (in the negative form) a certain possibility or course of action is deprecated but not prohibited (OGC 08-131)

5.14. requirement

expression in the content of a document conveying criteria to be fulfilled if compliance with the document is to be claimed and from which no deviation is permitted (OGC 08-131)

5.15. requirements class

aggregate of all requirement modules that must all be satisfied to satisfy a conformance test class (OGC 08-131)

5.16. requirements module

aggregate of requirements and recommendations of a specification against a single standardization target type (OGC 08-131)

5.17. resource

an asset of interest that may be described by metadata (i.e. a record) in a catalog for the purpose of discovery and access (i.e. binding)

5.18. searchable catalog endpoint

an endpoint in the OGC API resource tree that designed to support catalog queries

For searchable catalogs, the searchable catalog endpoint is at /items. For local resources catalogs, an example of a searchable catalog endpoint might be /collections or /processes.

5.19. standardization target

entity to which some requirements of a standard apply (OGC 08-131)

The standardization target is the entity which may receive a certificate of conformance for a requirements class.

5.20. Abbreviated terms


Application Programming Interface


Cross-Origin Resource Sharing


Coordinate Reference System


Catalog Service for the Web


Hypertext Transfer Protocol


Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure


Internet Assigned Numbers Authority


Open Geospatial Consortium


Request for Comment


Temporal Coordinate Reference System


Uniform Resource Identifier


Web Map Service


Web Feature Service


Web Coverage Service


Web Processing Service


YAML Ain’t Markup Language

6. Conventions

The following conventions will be used in this document. Examples of conventions are symbols, abbreviations, use of XML schema, use of JSON schema, or special notes regarding how to read the document.

6.1. Identifiers

The normative provisions in this Standard are denoted by the URI

All requirements and conformance tests that appear in this document are denoted by partial URIs which are relative to this base.

6.2. Use of HTTPS

For simplicity, this document in general only refers to the HTTP protocol. This is not meant to exclude the use of HTTPS and simply is a shorthand notation for "HTTP or HTTPS." In fact, most servers are expected to use HTTPS, not HTTP.

To express relationships between resources, RFC 8288 (Web Linking) is used.

The following registered link relation types \[IANA] are used in this document.

  • alternate: Refers to a substitute for this context.

  • collection: The target IRI points to a resource which represents the collection resource for the context IRI.

  • describes: Refers to a resource that is described by this context (i.e. the record).

  • icon: Refers to an icon representing this context.

  • item: Refers to a resource that is a member of the collection represented by this context.

  • license: Refers to a license associated with this context.

  • next: Indicates that the link’s context is a part of a series, and that the next in the series is the link target.

  • prev, previous: Indicates that the link’s context is a part of a series, and that the previous in the series is the link target.

  • self: Conveys an identifier for this context.

  • service-desc: Identifies service description for this context that is primarily intended for consumption by machines. API definitions are considered service descriptions.

  • service-doc: Identifies service documentation for this context that is primarily intended for human consumption.

In addition, the following link relation types are used for which no applicable registered link relation type could be identified.

  • catalog: Refers to a resource that is a catalog associated with this context.

  • child: Indicates that the link’s context is part of a hierarchy, and that a child resource in the hierarchy is the link target.

  • conformance: Refers to a resource that identifies the specifications that this context conforms to.

  • items: Refers to a resource that is comprised of members of the collection represented by this context.

  • parent: Indicates that the link’s context is part of a hierarchy, and that the parent resource in the hierarchy is the link target.

  • Refers to a resource, for this context, that provides a list of properties that may be used to create a filter expression.

  • root: Indicates that the link’s context is part of a hierarchy, and that the root resource of the hierarchy is the link target.

  • Refers to a resource, for this context, that provides a list of properties that my be used to create a sortby expression.

Each resource representation includes an array of links. Implementations are free to add additional links for all resources provided by the API. For example, an enclosure link could reference a bulk download of a collection. Or a related link on a record could reference a related record.

6.4. Examples

Most of the examples provided in this Standard are encoded in JSON. JSON was chosen because it is widely understood by implementers and easy to include in a text document. This convention should NOT be interpreted as a requirement that JSON must be used. Implementers are free to use any format they desire as long as there is a Conformance Class for that format and the deployed API advertises its support for the associated Conformance Class.

6.5. Schemas

OpenAPI 3.0 Schema objects are used throughout this Standard to define the structure of resources. These schema are typically represented using YAML encoding. This convention is for the ease of the user. It does not prohibit the use of another schema language or encoding. Nor does it indicate that OpenAPI 3.0 Schema objects are required. Implementations should use a schema language and encoding appropriate for the format of the resource. Note that for property values in JSON for which null is not explicitly supported/required, server implementations are recommended to drop the property (as opposed to specifying the property with a value of null).

7. Overview

7.1. Role of catalogs

Historically, catalogs have been used as large repositories of formal metadata such as ISO 19115, ISO 19119, FGDC, etc. More recently, catalogs are migrating to a more distributed model where the metadata is closely coupled with the resource that it describes. A current example is STAC which relies on well-defined common components that can be integrated in different ways.

Although OGC API - Records is built upon the legacy of the OGC Catalog Service Web (CSW) Standard, which was primarily focused on accessing a large repository of metadata documents, this Standard also supports other catalog deployment patterns such as a catalog composed of a distributed set of static records.

In the modern scenario, the catalog records can be distributed and linked together so that they can be crawled, or they can be harvested into a service endpoint to make them searchable. In addition, a searchable catalog can harvest not only a metadata document describing the resource but, in some cases, the resource itself (e.g. harvesting the collections object from an OGC API). The implications of this are subtle yet important. In the traditional cataloging approach (e.g. based on CSW) a client could find the record and the record might include binding information to access the resource. Using the new approach, a client interacts more intimately with the catalog and the catalog becomes integral to accessing the resource. An example is the cloud native ecosystem: HTTP range requests to Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) data cannot be used properly unless there is a STAC item telling the client in what ranges the bands exists. Therefore the catalog becomes an integral component (discovery, evaluation) in the process of accessing a resource.

7.2. Records and catalogs

The atomic unit of information in a catalog is the record.

A catalog is a collection of related records. The terms collection of records and catalog are used interchangeably in this Standard.

A record provides a summary description (metadata) of a resource that a provider of the resource wishes to make discoverable. The record schema defined in this Standard includes a small number of properties that can be used to provide a summary description of any resource. It is anticipated, and encouraged, that this list of properties be extended to enhance the information content of a record as required by specific communities of interest and/or use cases.

7.3. Common components

This Standard defines the following common components that may be used to deploy a catalog:

  1. The core schema of a record.

  2. The definition of a collection resource that groups and describes a set of related records (i.e. a catalog).

  3. The definition of a core set of query parameters for searchable catalogs.

  4. An API that allows a catalog to be searched using logically connected predicates that can include spatial and/or temporal predicates.

Using these common components a catalog can be deployed as:

  • A set of web-accessible records that can be crawled by a search engine crawler, using (for example) a web browser, or by using automated tools.

  • A searchable catalog with records accessible through an API endpoint.

A special use case of the searchable catalog is the local resources catalog. The OGC API resource tree has several endpoints that provide lists of resources. Examples of such endpoints include the /collections and the /processes endpoints. One can readily imagine a large deployment of APIs implementing OGC API building blocks with thousands of collections where the ability to search would enhance the client’s interaction with the server. Using the common components defined in this Standard, these endpoints can be extended to support catalog-like searching using filter expressions that may also include spatial and/or temporal predicates. Implementations of OGC API endpoints extended in this way behave like a catalog of local resources.

7.4. Record Schema

The core set of record properties that may be used to describe a resource include the id, type, title, description and geometry. A complete definition of a record can be found in clause Core properties.

The choice of which properties to include in the set of core properties was primarily informed by the following record models:

It is expected that the information necessary to populate this core set of properties is readily available for any resource that is being made discoverable by a record.

The expectation is that this core set of properties will be extended to describe specific resource types (e.g. datasets, dataset series, Earth observation products, machine models, services, etc.). The core can also be extended by information communities wishing to enrich the information content of the record to suit their needs. Extending the information content of a record to suit specific needs is allowed, expected, and encouraged by this Specification.

Although this Standard does not mandate any particular encoding for a record or a catalog, it does define conformance classes for two encodings:

Other encodings are allowed but are not described in this Standard.

Accessing a catalog deployed as static files is described in the Crawlable records deployment clause.

Accessing a catalog through an implementations of the Records API is described in the Records access clause.

7.5. Record collection (catalog)

A record collection or catalog is an object that groups and describes a set of related records. The catalog is the primary access point from which a deployed set of records can be accessed. Having found a catalog a client can, by following the appropriate hypermedia controls contained therein, navigate to the records of the collection.

Depending on the deployment pattern, the catalog may provide a link to each individual record of the collection or a link to a search access point for retrieving subsets of records.

The core set of properties that may be used to describe a catalog include id, type, title, description, extent and links. A complete definition of a catalog can be found in clause Record collection. It should be noted that this list of properties is very similar to the list of properties defined for a catalog record. This is intentional since the catalog can be considered a record that describes a related set of records.

It is anticipated that this set of properties will be extended to enrich the information content of the collection metadata to suit specific needs.

7.6. Records API

7.6.1. Overview

An implementation of the Records API Standard enables retrieving a subset of records from a catalog using a logically connected set of predicates that may include spatial and/or temporal predicates.

The Records API extends the OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core Standard to:

  1. Provide API patterns and encodings to facilitate further lowering the barrier to finding the existence of spatial resources on the Web.

  2. Provide functionality comparable to that of the OGC Catalogue Service (CSW) Standard so that a facade can be created over legacy services thus allowing them to participate in the new OGC API Standards ecosystem.

To facilitate access to records in a catalog, the OGC API - Feature - Part 1: Core Standard has been:

  • Extended with additional parameters at the /collections/{collectionId}/items endpoint,

  • Constrained to a single information model (i.e. the record).

Table 5 summarizes the access paths and relation types defined in this Standard.

Table 5. Records API Paths
Path Template Relation Resource



Landing page


service-desc or service-doc

API Description (optional)



Conformance Classes



Metadata describing the catalogs available from this API implementation instance.



Metadata describing a catalog which has the unique identifier {catalogId}




Search results based on querying the service for records satisfying 0..n query parameters.



Record of metadata which has the unique identifier {recordId}.


  • {catalogId} = An identifier for a specific catalog.

  • {recordId} = An identifier for a specific record within a collection.

7.6.2. API Behaviour Model

The Records API Standard is designed to be compatible but not conformant with the OGC Catalogue Service for the Web (CSW) Standard. This allows OGC API - Records implementations and CSW implementations to co-exist in a single processing environment.

The OGC Catalogue Service Standard version 3 provides an abstract core model of metadata (data about data) describing a number of different information types (datasets, services, styles, processes, etc.) on which the classic operations (GetCapabilities, DescribeRecord, GetRecords, and GetRecordById) can be explained naturally. This model consists of 1 .. n catalog collections residing in a CSW backend repository. The model holds service metadata describing service qualities (identification, contact, operations, filtering capabilities, etc.). In principle, a catalog may provide discovery services to any number of metadata repositories. The core catalog model is based on an extension of Dublin Core (CSW Record). Application profiles can be developed to target specific metadata information models (such as ISO 19115/19139, etc.).

Discussion has shown that the Records API model also assumes underlying service and object descriptions, so a convergence seems possible. In any case, it will be advantageous to have a similar "mental model" of the server store organization on hand to explain the various functionalities introduced below.

This Standard defines three levels of search capability of increasing complexity and capability.

The first or core level of search capability is based on OGC API - Features and thus supports:

  • bounding box searches,

  • time instant or time period searches, and

  • equality predicates (i.e. property=value).

The Records API Standard extends these core search capabilities to include:

  • keyword searches,

  • searches based on the type of resource,

  • searches based on one or more record identifiers, and

  • searches based on one or more external identifiers of a resource.

The second level of search capability extends the search API so that it is compatible with the OGC OpenSearch Geo and Time Extensions (OpenSearch Geo). OpenSearch Geo gives the user more control over the kinds of geometries, beyond a bounding box, that can be used to define an area of interest. OGC API - Records - Part 2: OpenSearch will define the requirements for a catalog that supports OpenSearch.

The third level of search capability, defined by the Filtering requirements class, supports complex filter expressions using a rich set of logically connected query predicates.

7.6.4. Dependencies

The search API requirements and conformance classes defined in this Standard for accessing records from a searchable catalog is an extension of the OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core Standard. An implementation of a searchable catalog API must first satisfy the appropriate Requirements Classes from OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core. [req-mappings], identifies these requirements.

Table 6. Required OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core Requirements Classes for Records Access

API - Features Requirements Classes,

Table 7. Required OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core Requirements Classes for Record Access

API - Features Requirements Classes

8. Common Components

8.1. Overview

This clause specifies requirements classes that define common components that can be used to define various catalog deployments.

8.2. Requirements Class "Record Core" (Common Component)

8.2.1. Overview

Requirements Class

Target type

Document model





The Record Requirements Class defines the requirements for a catalog record which is the atomic unit of information of a catalog.

It is expected that the information necessary to populate the fields/properties of a catalog record is readily available for any resource that is being registered in the catalog.

The expectation is that the schema of a record will be extended to describe specific resource types (e.g. datasets, services, etc.) as well as also extended by information communities wishing to enrich the information content of the record to suit their needs.

Although this Standard does not mandate any particular encoding for a record, this document does define conformance classes for two encodings:

Other encodings are allowed but are not described in this document.

8.2.2. Core properties

Table 8 and Table 9 define the set of properties, called the core properties, that may be included in a record.

Table 8. Core properties related to the catalog record
Property Requirement Description GeoJSON key



A unique record identifier assigned by the server.




The date this record was created in the server.




The most recent date on which the record was changed.




The extensions/conformance classes used in this record.




The language used for textual values (i.e. titles, descriptions, etc.) of this record.




The list of other languages in which this record is available.




A list of links related to this record.




A list of link templates related to this record.


Table 9. Core properties related to the resource
Property Requirement Description GeoJSON key



The nature or genre of the resource described by this record.




A human-readable name given to the resource described by this record.




A free-text description of the resource described by this record.




A spatial extent associated with the resource described by this record.
Can be null if there is no associated spatial extent.




A temporal extent associated with the resource described by this record.
Can be null if there is no associated temporal extent.




A list of free-form keywords or tags associated with the resource described by this record.




A knowledge organization system used to classify the resource described by this resource.




The list of languages in which the resource described by this record can be retrieved.




One or more identifiers, assigned by an external entity, for the resource described by this record.




A list of available distributions for the resource described by this record.




A list of contacts qualified by their role(s) in association to the record or the resource described by this record.




The legal provisions under which the resource described by this record is made available.




A statement that concerns all rights not addressed by the license such as a copyright statement.


Requirement 1


Each record in a response SHALL contain all the mandatory properties listed in Table 8.

Permission 1


For any description member in a record, CommonMark MAY be used for a rich text representation.

Permission 2



Each record in a response MAY contain zero or more of the optional properties listed in Table 8 and Table 9.


Each record in a response MAY contain any number of additional properties not listed in Table 8 and Table 9. The meaning of these additional properties is not specified in this document.

8.2.3. Record extensions

In Table 8 and Table 9 this Standard defines a set of core properties for describing discoverable resources. It is anticipated that this set of core properties will be extended to suit specific use cases or requirements. For example, a catalog record may be extended to include additional properties from the GeoDCAT vocabulary. The fact that a catalog record has been extended in this way can be advertised using the conformsTo property. The conformsTo property is a list of identifiers that indicate each extension used in a record. This Standard does not define the specific identifiers that are used to identify specific extensions; it simply provides a place where these identifiers can be listed.

Recommendation 1 /rec/record-core/extensions


If the core record is extended with additional properties, the requirements of the extension SHOULD be formally published.


The formal publication SHOULD define an identifier that can be included in the conformsTo list to allow clients to identify that the record has been extended according to the requirements defined in the publication.


The identifier SHOULD be an active identifier (e.g. an URL) that resolves to this publication or eventually leads to it through intermediate resources.


The formal publication SHOULD include requirements about any formal vocabularies that SHOULD be used to populate core and extension record properties.

In the case where all the records of a catalog use the same set of extensions, and to prevent unnecessary duplication, there is also a conformsTo property at the catalog level that may be used to declare which extensions are used in all records of the catalog.

Extensions listed at the catalog and record levels are cumulative.

8.2.4. Type

In order to facilitate the ability to discover resources of a particular type(s), this Standard makes the following recommendations:

Recommendation 2



A record SHOULD include the type property to indicate the nature or genre of the resource that the record is describing.


The list of codes that can occur in records of a catalog for the property type SHOULD use a formal, controlled vocabulary defined by an organization (e.g. ISO), or a community of interest/domain (e.g. WMO).


The list of codes that can occur in records of a catalog for the property type SHOULD be listed as enum values in the API definition of the record schema.

Permission 3


The list of codes that can occur in records of a catalog for the property type MAY use vocabularies found in the OGC Definitions server. A subset of common examples can be found in Annex C.

In addition, links to external resources describing the record type vocabulary used to populate the type property are recommended, as described in Associations and Links.

8.2.5. Title and description

In order to facilitate the discovery of resources utilizing keyword or free-text searches, this Standard makes the following recommendation:

Recommendation 3


A record SHOULD include the title property to provide a human-readable name for the resource that the record describes and also to provide a target of possible text searches of the catalog.

Recommendation 4


A record SHOULD include the description property to provide a free-text description of the resource that the record describes.

8.2.6. Spatial information

The spatial characteristic of the resource described by a record is specified using the optional geometry property.

Permission 4


Specific communities of interest and/or use cases MAY alter this obligation and make the geometry property mandatory.

For example, the JSON requirements class makes the geometry member mandatory because the record encoding (i.e. GeoJSON) requires that the geometry member be mandatory.

8.2.7. Temporal information Overview

Many records have a geometry property that provides information about the primary spatial characteristics of the resource described by the record. Records often also have temporal information. In most cases time is either an instant (e.g., an event) or an interval (e.g., an activity or a temporal validity). In OGC API Records the temporal property is reflected in the datetime parameter which supports temporal filtering.

This Standard added support for the most common temporal case: Associating a resource with a single temporal instant or interval in the Gregorian calendar. More complex cases and other temporal coordinate reference systems are out-of-scope for this Standard and might be specified in future extensions.

Records can have multiple properties that describe the temporal characteristics of the resource(s) that the record describes.

  • In many records all temporal properties are instants (represented by a date or a timestamp) and intervals are described using two temporal instants, one for the start and one for the end.

  • Multiple temporal properties are sometimes used to describe different temporal characteristics of the resource(s) the record describes. For example, the time instant or interval when the information in the record is valid (sometimes called "valid time") and the time when the record was recorded in the catalog (sometimes called "transaction time"). Another example is the Observations & Measurements standard, where an observation has multiple temporal properties including "phenomenon time", "result time" and "valid time".

This Standard does not place any constraints on the number of additional temporal properties that may be added to a record to characterize temporal aspects of the resource being described by a record. This can make it difficult for a naive client to recognize and utilize temporal information stored in the record. For this reason, this Standard includes the time property in a record.

Recommendation 5



A record SHOULD include a time property that indicates the temporal aspect of the resource that the record describes.


If temporal information about the resource is not available then the time property SHOULD, even though it is optional, still be included in the record and its value SHOULD be set to null.

This time property is set by the publisher of the record and describes characteristic temporal information (an instant or an interval) associated with the resource described by a record. This time property can thus be used by naive clients without the need to inspect or understand the schema of an extended record. If included in the record, the value of the time property is either null (no temporal information) or an object encoding a time instant or interval.

Table 10. Properties of the "time" object
Property Type Description



An instant with the granularity of a date. See below for more details about instants.



An instant with the granularity of a timestamp. See below for more details about instants.


[ string ]

An interval, described by an array of the two instants (start and end). See below for more details about intervals.

If both values interest, including both an instant and an interval is valid. In this case, clients should use the interval property and may use the date or timestamp property to determine the temporal characteristics of the resource being described by the record.

The "time" object may be extended with additional properties. Clients processing a "time" object must be prepared to parse additional properties. Clients should ignore properties that they do not understand. For example, in cases where the "time" property neither includes an "instant" nor "interval", a client may process the record as a record without temporal information.

The data publisher decides how additional temporal properties are encoded in a record. The schema for the time property does not imply a recommendation that temporal properties reuse the same schema. For example, it is expected that a date-valued record properties will in most cases be represented as a string with an RFC 3339 date value. Instants

An instant is a value that conforms to RFC 3339 (Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps) and is consistent with one of the following production rules of the ISO 8601 profile specified in the RFC:

  • full-date (e.g., "1969-07-20")

  • date-time (e.g., "1969-07-20T20:17:40Z")

Conceptually, an instant is a "temporal entity with zero extent or duration" [Time Ontology in OWL]. In practice, the temporal position of an instant is described using data types where each value has some duration or granularity. The value should be described with a granularity that is sufficient for the intended use of the data.

In the case of a timestamp the granularity is a second or smaller. All timestamps must be in the time zone UTC ("Z").

In the case of a date the granularity is a day and dates as instants will be used when a granularity of a day independent of its timezone is sufficient for the intended use of the data. If that is not the case and, for example, the timezone is important for the intended use, the temporal information should be provided as an interval with start and end timestamps.

This Standard only provides guidance as to how record data is represented in JSON. It is out-of-scope for this Standard to provide guidance how to cast record data to other data types. The Common Query Language (CQL2) standard uses the same model of instants and intervals as used here and includes additional guidance on how to compare values.
Example 1. A date
"time" : {
    "date": "1969-07-20"
Example 2. A timestamp
"time" : {
    "timestamp": "1969-07-20T20:17:40Z"

Dates and timestamps are the initial range of instant values. The range may be extended in the future to support additional use cases. Clients processing values of time must be prepared to receive other values. Clients may ignore values that they do not understand.

Requirement 1



If the time object in a record includes a date member, the value SHALL conform to RFC 3339 (Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps) and match the production rule full-date.


If the time object in a record includes a timestamp member, the value SHALL conform to RFC 3339 (Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps) and match the production rule date-time.

date and timestamp are different datatypes and so comparing them will require a cast. This Standard does not prescribe how types are cast. The evaluation of comparison expressions that involve date and timestamp values will, therefore, be system dependent.

Permission 5


date and timestamp are different datatypes and when attempting to compare them, a server MAY either return an error or it MAY cast the value(s) to compatible data types for comparison. Intervals

An interval is described by start and end instants. Both start and end instants are included in the interval, i.e., the interval is closed.

The end of unbounded intervals is represented by a double-dot string (..) for the start/end. This follows the convention of ISO 8601-2 for an open start or end.

Example 3. An interval with dates
"time" : {
    "interval": [
Example 4. An interval with timestamps
"time" : {
    "interval": [
Example 5. An half-bounded interval
"time" : {
    "interval": [

The options described above are the initial range of interval values - the granularity is either days or (sub-)seconds and interval ends may be unbounded. The value range may be extended in the future to support additional use cases. Clients processing values of time must be prepared to receive other values. Clients may ignore values that they do not understand.

Requirement 2



If the time object in a record includes an interval member, each array item SHALL be a string that is a double-dot ("..") or conforms to RFC 3339 (Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps) and match one of the following production rules: full-date (a date) or date-time (a timestamp).


If the start is a date, the end SHALL be a date, too, or "..".


If the start is a timestamp, the end SHALL be a timestamp, too, or "..". Instants and intervals

Requirement 3



If the time object in a record includes both a date and a timestamp member, the full-date parts SHALL be identical.


If the time object in a record includes both a timestamp and an interval member with start/end dates, the interval SHALL contain the date of the timestamp.


If the time object in a record includes both a timestamp and an interval member with start/end timestamps, the interval SHALL contain the timestamp.


If the time object in a record includes both a date and an interval member with start/end dates, the interval SHALL contain the date.


If the time object in a record includes both a date and an interval member with start/end timestamps, the interval SHALL include timestamps on the date. Time zones

Requirement 4



Timestamps in the time member in a record SHALL use UTC ("Z") as the time zone.

8.2.8. Keywords and Themes

A record allows for one keywords and one to many themes properties. Keywords are free form terms or tags associated with the resource(s) that the record describes. Themes are concepts associated with the resource(s) that a record describes taken from one or more formal knowledge organization systems or schemes. The list of knowledge organization systems or schemes used in a searchable or local resources catalog can be determined by inspecting the server’s OpenAPI document or, if the server implements CQL2, by exposing a queryable (e.g. named scheme) and enumerating the list of schemes used in the queryable’s schema definition.

Recommendation 6



Implementations SHOULD use the keywords property to provide free-form terms or tags associated with the resource(s) described by the current record.


Implementations SHOULD use the themes property to enumerate 1..n concepts, and their respective knowledge organization system/controlled vocabulary, associated with the resource(s) descrtibed by the current record.

The following provides an example of using keywords for free form terms (e.g. tags) as well as themes to articulate terms from formal vocabularies or classification systems.

Keywords and themes Example
  "keywords": [
    "level 1.0",
  "themes": [
      "concepts": [
          "id": "dobson",
          "url": ""
          "id": "brewer",
          "url": ""
          "id": "vassey",
          "url": ""
          "id": "pion",
          "url": ""
          "id": "microtops",
          "url": ""
          "id": "spectral",
          "url": ""
          "id": "hoelper",
          "url": ""
          "id": "saoz",
          "url": ""
          "id": "filter",
          "url": ""
      "scheme": ""
      "concepts": [
          "id": "atmosphericComposition",
          "url": ""
          "id": "pollution",
          "url": ""
          "id": "observationPlatform",
          "url": ""
          "id": "rocketSounding",
          "url": ""
      "scheme": ""

8.2.9. Formats

The formats property indicates the list of available distribution formats for the resource that a record describes. These can include both physical and digital distribution formats.

The following example illustrates a resources that is a available is several formats.

Formats Example
"formats": [
  { "name": "TK50" },
  { "name": "GRIB", "mediaType": "application/x-grib" },
  { "mediaType": "application/zip"}

Recommendation 7


The value of the mediaType property should be taken from the list of IANA media types.

8.2.10. Language handling Overview

A catalog record can include language information about:

  • The resource that the record describes.

  • The language used for text values in the current record representation.

  • Alternate languages in which the current record can be represented. Language of the record

Recommendation 8



The language used to express text values in a record SHOULD be specified using the language property of the record.


The list of other languages in which a record may be retrieved SHOULD be specified in the record using the languages property.


If one or more language-specific links are included in the links section of a record (path: links) pointing to alternate language representations of this record, the language used as the hreflang value SHOULD be one of the languages listed as the value of the languages property of the record.

The link object and the templated link object are based on RFC 8288 (Web Linking) includes a hreflang attribute that can be used to state the language of a referenced resource. This can be used to include links to the same record in different languages.

A server that wants to use language-specific links will have to support a mechanism to mint language-specific URIs to express links to the same record in other languages or to express links to the resource described by record in multiple languages. This document does not mandate any approach how such a capability is supported by a server.


Two common approaches are:

  • An additional path element for each language-specific encoding of a record or resource (this can be expressed, for example, using a language-specific path element like …​/en-ca/…​);

  • An additional query parameter (for example, "language" or "l") that overrides the Accept-Language header of the HTTP request.


There is no provision in the record schema to allow a response containing text fields simultaneously presented in multiple languages (e.g. multiple titles in different languages). To obtain a record in multiple languages would require multiple requests to the server each negotiating to a desired language. Language of the resource

Recommendation 9


If there are one or more languages associated with the resource that a catalog record describes, those languages SHOULD be listed in the record using the resourceLanguages property.

8.2.11. Contacts

Requirement 2



If the contacts property is present and the logo property is included in the contact object then the link relation SHALL be icon and the media type SHALL be an image media type.


If the contacts property is included and the links property is included in the contact object then the link relation about SHOULD be used for each listed link and the media type SHALL indicate the content type of the link (e.g. text/html for a company’s web page versus text/vcard for a virtual contact file).

Recommendation 10



A contact country property SHOULD use ISO 3166-1 notation.

8.2.12. License

A record may have one license property. If present, the value of this property should be a code, convenient for filtering records.

Requirement 3



If the resource is being made available under a common license then a SPDX license identifier SHALL be used as the value of the license property.


If the resource is being made available under multiple common licenses then a SPDX license expression string SHALL be used as the value of license property.


If the resource is being made available under one or more licenses that have not been assigned an SPDX license identifier or one or more custom licenses then the value of the license property SHALL be the value other and one or more links (relation: license) SHALL be included in the links section of the record pointing to the file(s) that contain the text of the licenses.

There is also the case of a resource that is private or unpublished and is thus unlicensed. In this case do not register such a resource in the catalog in the first place since there is no point in making such a resource discoverable.

A record must contain a links section and may contain a linkTemplates section. These sections contain navigation links and/or association links.

Navigation links are meant to encode relationships between catalog entities (i.e. collections and records). Navigation links in the links section can include links to the collection (eotion: collection) of which a record is a member, alternative representations (relation: alternate) of the record, and — in the context of an API — navigation links to previous (relation: prev or previous) or next (relation: next) records in a chain of records. Links in the links section may also be used to organize records in a hierarchy (relation: root, relation: parent, relation: child).

The term "typed link" means a link that specifies a value for the type attribute.

Links in the links section may also encode canonical URIs for record properties such as type and license.

Association links point to the resource(s) being described by a record. Such links allow binding to a resource once it has been discovered by searching a catalog. Depending on how the target resource of a record is represented and how it may be accessed, there may be one or more association links. For example, if the target resource is an Earth observation imagery file, links may point to the individually accessible bands of the image file.

Association links are also meant to point to other records related to the containing record. For example, consider a record that describes a set of vector features and another record that describes a rendering style for that feature set. These two records may, in their respective links sections point to each other to encode this "styles"/"styled-by" relationship.

Finally, association links are meant to point to other resources external to the catalog that are related to the containing record or the resource(s) that the record describes.

Recommendation 14


Implementations SHOULD use links in the links sections to represent associations to other internal or external resources related to the current record or the resource the record is describing.

In some instances, additional context may be desirable or required to access (or bind to) the resource(s) being described by a record. This is the case when, for example, access to the resource is through a service interface that requires mandatory parameters to be provided. An implementation of the OGC Web Map Service (WMS) Standard is an example of such a service. It may also be the case that efficient access to the resource would be facilitated by providing additional context. Accessing data from a large data repository such as a data cube would be more efficient if the context of the query used to discover the resource (e.g. bbox, datetime) were passed down to the link used to access the data.

Recommendation 15


If access to the resource(s) requires or would be facilitated by additional context (e.g. a bounding box) then templated links SHOULD be used.

This Standard does not define any specific link relations that should be used for links in the links or linkTemplates sections. Such relationships are typically domain specific and so it is left to communities of interest to standardize the relations that links should use.

The following provides an example of using association links for related resources of a record, as both traditional links as well as link templates.

Associations simple and Link Template Example
  "links": [
      "rel": "search",
      "type": "text/html",
      "title": "WOUDC - Data - Station List",
      "href": ""
  "linkTemplates": [
      "rel": "item",
      "type": "image/png",
      "title": "World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre (WOUDC) stations",
      "uriTemplate": "{crs}&bbox={bbox}&layers=stations&width={width}&height={height}&format=image/png",
      "variables": {
        "bbox": {
          "description": "...",
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "type": "number",
            "format": "double"
          "minItems": 4,
          "maxItems": 4
        "crs": {
          "description": "...",
          "type": "string",
          "enum": [
        "width": {
          "description": "...",
          "type": "number",
          "format": "integer",
          "minimum": 600,
          "maximum": 5000
        "height": {
          "description": "...",
          "type": "number",
          "format": "integer",
          "minimum": 600,
          "maximum": 5000
Link: <>; rel="search"; type="text/html"
Link-Template: <{crs}&bbox={bbox}&layers=stations&width={width}&height={height}&format=image/png>; rel="item"; type="image/png"; varBase=""

The OGC API - Records Standard uses links to express associations between resources including links that bind to the resource(s) being described by a record. In some situations, a static link does not adequately express all the information necessary to retrieve the referenced resource OR does not allow for the resource to be retrieved in an efficient manner.

Consider the case where a record describing a coverage resource is discovered by searching the catalog using a spatial constraint (e.g. a bbox). Further consider that the found record contains a link to retrieve the coverage. Using a static link would only allow for retrieval of the entire coverage or a subset unrelated to the user’s original catalog query. Using a templated link, however, would allow the context of the catalog query (i.e. the bbox) to be passed to the retrieval link as a substitution variable. The templated link with all substitution variables resolved would thus retrieve the subset of the coverage that corresponds to the spatial constraint used to discover the record in the first place which presumably represents the area of interest.

Templated links may also be used to bind to resources that may require additional information in order to access the resources. For example, simply knowing the URL of a legacy OGC service instance such as for WMS or WFS implementations is not sufficient to access resources offered by those services. Additional information in the form of request parameters and values is required in order to have a complete link to a resource. A templated link with variables can provide this additional context.

This Standard defines a new schema, linkTemplate.yaml, based on the schema for a link that includes substitution variables who’s values are filled in at runtime prior to resolving the link.

Information about the substitution variables can be obtained in one of two ways. The variable property may be used to encode the definitions of substitution variables in-line in the link. Alternatively, the varBase property can be used to specify a base URI to which a variable name may be appended to retrieve the definition of the specified substitution variable.

 following example illustrates a link template to a legacy OGC Web service. The example includes both an in-line and referenced dictionaries of substitution variables. 

Using varBase to retrieve the definition of the variable bbox
   CLIENT                                                     SERVER
     |                                                           |
     |   GET variables/bbox HTTP/1.1                             |
     |   Host:                                       |
     |   Accept: application/json                                |
     |                                                           |
     |   HTTP/1.1 200 OK                                         |
     |   Content-Type: application/json                          |
     |                                                           |
     |   {                                                       |
     |     "bbox": {                                             |
     |       "description": "...",                               |
     |       "type": "array",                                    |
     |       "items": {                                          |
     |         "type": "number",                                 |
     |         "format": "double"                                |
     |       },                                                  |
     |       "minItems": 4,                                      |
     |       "maxItems": 4                                       |
     |     }                                                     |
     |   }                                                       |

8.2.15. Resource timestamps

A record contains information, encoded in the links and link templates sections, for accessing one or more resources described by the record. Since a resource may have multiple representations there may be multiple links pointing to each representation of a resource. Furthermore, representations of a resource may be created and updated at different times. In order to capture this life cycle information of resource representations, the link schema is extended with the addition of two properties named created and updated. The values of these properties are used to indicate the creation and last updated dates of the resource representation pointed to by the link.

8.2.16. Record encodings

This Standard defines requirements classes for JSON and HTML encoding of a record. See Encodings.

8.3. Requirements Class "Record Collection" (Common Component)

8.3.1. Overview

Requirements Class

Target type

Document model


Collection Resource Definition

The Record Collection requirements class defines the requirements for a record collection.

A record collection is an object that provides information about and access to a set of related records. Such a collection of records is also referred to as a catalog.

The schema for the catalog is an extension of the collection schema defined in OGC API - Features Standard.

While OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core defines a specific location for the collection resource (path: /collections/{collectionId}), OGC API - Records only fixes the location of the catalog in the Records API conformance class. Otherwise, the catalog resource can live anywhere the provider wishes to place it including as a static file in web space (e.g. a web-accessible directory or an S3 bucket).

Although this Standard does not mandate any particular encoding for a catalog, two conformance classes are defined:

  • a JSON catalog encoding, and

  • an HTML encoding.

Other encodings are allowed but are not described in this document.

8.3.2. Catalog schema

Table 11 defines the set of properties that may be used to describe a catalog.

Table 11. Catalog properties
Property Requirement Description



A unique identifier for this catalog.



The date this collection was created.



The more recent date on which this collection was changed.



The extensions/conformance classes used in this catalog object.



Fixed value of "Catalog".



Fixed value of "record", "catalog" or both.



A human-readable name given to this catalog.



A free-text description of this catalog.



The spatiotemporal coverage of this catalog.



A list of coordinate reference systems used for spatiotemporal values.



A list of free-form keywords or tags associated with this collection.



A knowledge organization system used to classify this collection.



The language used for textual values (i.e. titles, descriptions, etc.) of this collection object.



The list of other languages in which this collection object is available.



The list of languages in which records from the collection can be represented.



A list of contacts qualified by their role(s).



The legal provisions under which this collection is made available.



A statement that concerns all rights not addressed by the license such as a copyright statement.



The name of the array property in the catalog used to encode records in-line. The default value is records.



An array of records encoded in-line in the catalog.



A list of links related to this catalog.



A list of link templates related to this catalog.



A list of schemes related to this catalog.

The properties id, itemType, title_, description, extent, crs and links are inherited from OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core.

Requirement 7


A catalog SHALL include all the mandatory properties listed in Table 11.

Recommendation 17


For any description member in a catalog, CommonMark MAY be used for a rich text representation.

Permission 6



A catalog MAY contain zero or more of the optional properties listed in Table 11.


A catalog MAY include any number of additional properties not listed in Table 11. The meaning of these additional properties is not defined in this standard.

8.3.3. Catalog extensions

In Catalog schema this Standard defines a set of core properties for describing a catalog. It is anticipated that this set of properties will be extended to suit specific use cases or requirements. The conformsTo property is a list of identifiers that indicate each extension used in the description of the catalog. This Standard does not define the specific identifiers that are used to identify specific extensions; it simply provides a place where these identifiers can be listed.

In the case where all the records of a catalog use the same set of extensions, and to prevent unnecessary duplication, the conformsTo property of the catalog can also be used to declare which extensions are used that apply to all records.

8.3.4. Item type

A catalog can include references to records, other catalogs or both. A catalog can also contain an array of catalog records.

Requirement 8 /req/record-collection/itemType


If a catalog homogeneously references or contains records then, its itemType property SHALL be a string with the fixed value of record.


If a catalog homogeneously references other catalogs then, its itemType property SHALL be a string with the fixed value of catalog.


If a catalog references or contains records and references other catalogs then, its itemType property SHALL be an array of strings whose elements enumerate the types of resources referenced/contained by this catalog (i.e. record and catalog).

8.3.5. Title and description

In order to facilitate the discovery of resources utilizing keyword or free-text searches, this Standard makes the following recommendation:

Recommendation 18


A catalog SHOULD include the title property.

Recommendation 19


A catalog SHOULD include the description property.

8.3.6. Keywords and Themes

Recommendation 20



Implementations SHOULD use the keywords property to provide free-form terms or tags associated with this catalog.


Implementations SHOULD use the themes property to enumerate 1..n concepts, and their respective knowledge organization system/controlled vocabulary, associated with the catalog.

8.3.7. Language handling

Recommendation 21



The language used to express text values in a catalog SHOULD be specified using the language property.


The list of other languages in which the catalog may be retrieved SHOULD be specified using the languages property.


If one or more language-specific links are included in the links section of a catalog (path: links) pointing to alternate language representations of this catalog, the language used as the hreflang value SHOULD be one of the languages listed as the value of the languages property of the catalog.

Recommendation 22


The languages in which the records of the catalog can be represented SHOULD be listed using the recordLanguages property.

8.3.8. Contacts

Requirement 9


See requirement /req/record-core/contact.

8.3.9. License

Requirement 10


See requirement /req/record-core/license.
Replace all instances of the term resource with the term catalog.

Permission 7


The records of a catalog MAY be referenced from the links section of the catalog or they MAY be encoded in-line in the catalog or both.

Requirement 13


Records encoded in-line in the catalog SHALL be encoded using an array property named records.

Permission 8


The name of the in-line records array property in the catalog (default: records) MAY be changed to something else.

Requirement 14


If the name of the in-line records array property in the catalog is changed to something other than records then that name SHALL be indicated in the catalog using a property named recordsArrayName. Overview

Permission 9


A catalog MAY include zero or more references to other related catalogs.

Related catalogs may be organized as:

  • an unorganized set of related catalogs,

  • as a series of related catalogs (e.g. for paging),

  • as a hierarchy of related catalogs.

8.3.14. Schemes

In various places in a catalog or catalog record property values can be qualified by an authority, scheme or namespace. Typically such schemes are represented as a URI. In order to alleviate the need to keep repeating such long URI strings, the schemes mechanism can be used to assign a short identified to each scheme and that identified can, instead, be used to qualify the value.

Consider the value atmosphericComposition that is qualified with the schema Rather than, for example, specifying this value as https%3A// in an expression, the value categoryCode can be associated with the URI and the value can be specified as categoryCode:atmosphericComposition. The schemes mechanism provides the means to associated the identifier categoryCode with the URI as shown in the following JSON fragment:

  "schemes": [
      "scheme-id": "categoryCode",
      "namespace" : ""

Once defined in the schemes section of a catalog, the identifier categoryCode can be used wherever the long namespace would normally be used.

8.3.15. Encodings

This Standard defines requirements for JSON and HTML encoding of a catalog. See Encodings.

8.4. Requirements Class "Record Core Query Parameters" (Common Component)

8.4.1. Overview

Requirements Class

Target type



The Record Core Query Parameters requirements class defines a minimum set of query parameters that should be implemented at a searchable catalog endpoint. Table 12 lists this set of query parameters.

The parameters bbox, datetime, limit and ids are inherited from OGC API Features - Part 1: Core. The remaining parameters are defined in this Standard.

Table 12. Core query parameters
Parameter name Description


A bounding box. If the spatial extent of the record intersects the specified bounding box, then the record shall be presented in the response document.


A time instance or time period. If the temporal extent of the record intersects the specified date/time value, then the record shall be presented in the response document.


The number of records to be presented in a response document.


A comma-separated list of search terms. If any server-chosen text field in the record contains 1 or more of the terms listed, then this record shall appear in the response set.


An equality predicate consisting of a comma-separated list of resource types. Only records of the listed type shall appear in the response set.


An equality predicate consisting of a comma-separated list of record identifiers. Only records with the specified identifiers shall appear in the response set.


An equality predicate consisting of a comma-separated list of external resource identifiers. Only records with the specified external identifiers shall appear in the response set.


Equality predicates with any queryable not already listed in this table.

8.4.2. Query parameters Parameter bbox

Requirement 19



A searchable endpoint SHALL support the Bounding Box Search (bbox) parameter as defined in the OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core Standard.


All references to the term "features" in the OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core Standard SHALL be replaced by the term "record" or "local resource" as the context may indicate. Parameter datetime

Requirement 20



A searchable endpoint SHALL support a Temporal Searching (datetime) parameter as defined in the OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core Standard.


All references to the term "features" in the OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core Standard SHALL be replaced by the term "record" or "local resource" as the context may indicate. Parameter limit

Requirement 21



A searchable endpoint SHALL support a Paging (limit) parameter as defined in the OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core Standard.


All references to the term "features" in the OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core Standard SHALL be replaced by the term "record" or "local resource" as the context may indicate. Parameter q

The q parameter provides a simple, easy-to-implement keyword search capability across one or more text fields in a record.

Requirement 22



A searchable endpoint SHALL support the Text Search (q) parameter for the operation.


The q parameter SHALL have the following characteristics (using an OpenAPI Specification 3.0 fragment):

name: q
in: query
required: false
  type: array
    type: string
explode: false


Search terms that may appear together (logical OR) in a record SHALL be separated by literal commas.


Search terms that must appear together, and in the order specified, in a record SHALL be separated by one or more white space characters.


Keyword searches using the q parameter SHALL be case insensitive.


The specific set of text keys/fields/properties of a record to which the q operator is applied SHALL be left to the discretion of the implementation.

The specific text fields in a record that are to be searched is not mandated in this Standard.

Recommendation 25


The q operator SHOULD, at least, be applied to the following core properties:

  • title

  • description

  • keywords

Requirement 23 /req/record-core-query-parameters/q-response


If a single search term is specified, then only records that contain that search term in one or more of the searched text fields SHALL be in the result set.


For multiple search terms that are comma separated (logical OR), only records that contain one or more the specified search terms in one or more of the searched text fields SHALL be in the result set.


For multiple search terms that are white space separated, only records that contain all the search terms specified, in the order specified and separated by any number of white spaces in one or more of the searched text fields SHALL be in the result set.

For example, the following q parameter specification:


represents the query predicate:

(anytext CONTAINS 'ocean') OR
(anytext CONTAINS 'climate\s+change') OR
(anytext CONTAINS 'desalination')`


  • The term anytext represents the set of text fields that are searched by the operation.

  • The CONTAINS operator used above is just an example of an operator that searches a text field(s) for specific search terms. How this operator is implemented and what it is named in the system backing a catalog implementation is beyond the scope of this Standard.

  • The regular expression \s+ represents one or more white spaces. Parameter type

Requirement 24



A searchable endpoint SHALL support the search by Type (type) parameter for the operation.


The type parameter SHALL have the following characteristics (using an OpenAPI Specification 3.0 fragment):

name: type
in: query
required: false
  type: array
    type: string
    maxLength: 64
explode: false

Recommendation 26



The definition of the type parameter SHOULD be extended to enumerate the list of known record or resource types.

Requirement 25


Only records whose type, as indicated by the value of the type core queryable, is equal to one of the listed values specified using the type parameter SHALL be in the result set. Parameter ids

Requirement 26



A Records API implementation SHALL support the query by Ids (ids) parameter for the operation.


The following OpenAPI 3.0 schema fragment SHALL define the characteristics of the ids parameter:

name: ids
in: query
required: false
  type: array
    type: string
explode: false
style: form


An empty list of identifiers is a valid value for the ids parameter and indicates that the result set SHALL be empty.

Requirement 27


Only records whose identifier match one of the identifiers specified using ids parameter SHALL be in the results set. Parameter externalIds

Requirement 28



A searchable endpoint SHALL support search by External Identifiers (externalIds) parameter for the operation.


The externalIds parameter SHALL have the following characteristics (using an OpenAPI Specification 3.0 fragment):

name: externalIds
in: query
required: false
  type: array
    type: string
    pattern: ([^:]+:)?[^:]+
explode: false
Requirement 29 /req/record-core-query-parameters/externalIds-response


Only records that have an external identifier that matches one of the values listed using the externalIds parameter SHALL be in the result set.


If the search value is qualified with a scheme then both the scheme and the value of the record’s external identifier SHALL match in order for the record to be in the result set.


If the search value is not qualified with a scheme then only the value of the record’s external identifier SHALL match in order for the record to be in the result set.


If the search value is only the scheme then the scheme component of the record’s external identified SHALL match in order for the record to be in the result set. Additional query parameters

This Standard defines the following URL query parameters based on the set of core properties to support record selection based on the resource type and/or an external identifier associated with the resource.

Recommendation 27



If any additional property (see additional record properties) is expected to be useful for applications using at a searchable catalog endpoint, a parameter with the name of that property SHOULD be supported.


If the parameter has a simple value (e.g. a string or integer) then it SHOULD have the following characteristics (using an OpenAPI Specification 3.0 fragment):

name: <name of property>
in: query
required: false
style: form
explode: false


If the parameter is an array of simple values then it SHOULD have the following characteristics (using an OpenAPI Specification 3.0 fragment):

name: <name of property>
in: query
required: false
  type: array
explode: false


The schema property SHOULD be the same as the definition of the property from which the parameter is derived (see additional record properties).

8.5. Requirements Class "Records API" (Common Component)

8.5.1. Overview

Requirements Class

Target type



OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core


Records Core Query Parameters

Requirement 30


Implementations of this requirements class SHALL implement the Core requirements class of OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core.

The core requirements for an API that enables searching a catalog are defined by the OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core Standard.

Requirement 31


Each reference to features or feature in the OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core Standard SHALL be replaced by the terms records or record when interpreting an OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core requirement for the Records API.

8.5.2. Encodings

While this Standard does not specify any mandatory response encoding, support for the following encodings is recommended.

Recommendation 28


To support browsing the catalog and its records with a web browser and to enable search engines to crawl and index the catalog, implementations SHOULD consider supporting a HTML encoding.

Recommendation 29 /rec/records-api/json


If the records can be represented for the intended use in GeoJSON, implementations SHOULD consider supporting GeoJSON as an encoding for records and catalogs (i.e. record collections).


If a catalog (i.e. record collection) can be represented for the intended use in JSON, implementations SHOULD consider supporting JSON as an encoding for a catalog (i.e. record collection).

The encoding of a server response is determined according to the mechanisms defined in Clause 12 of the HTTP 1.1 Standard.

The Media Types sub-clause includes guidance on media types for encodings that are specified in this document.

Note that any server that supports multiple encodings will have to support a mechanism to mint encoding specific URIs for resources to express links, for example, to alternate representations of the same resource. This document does not mandate any particular approach as to how this is supported by the server.

As clients simply need to dereference the URI of the link, the implementation details and the mechanism as to how the encoding is included in the URI of the link are not important. Developers interested in the approach of a particular implementation, for example, to manipulate ("hack") URIs in the browser address bar, can study the API definition document (e.g. the OpenAPI definition).


Two common approaches are:

  • An additional path for each encoding of each resource (this can be expressed, for example, using format specific suffixes like ".html");

  • An additional query parameter (for example, "accept" or "f") that overrides the Accept header of the HTTP request.

8.5.3. Record collection response

Requirement 32



For an operation that selects a collection object, the body of the response SHALL contain a description of the catalog based upon the following schema fragment which extends the collection.yaml schema defined in the OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core standard:

  - $ref: 'catalog.yaml'
  - type: object
          For a collection of records, the itemType is
          fixed to "record".
        type: string
          - record


The collection SHALL homogeneously reference records.


The value of the itemType property SHALL be a string with a fixed value of record.

8.5.4. Record collections response

Requirement 33



For an operation that selects a list of collection objects, only collections where the itemType property (JSONPath: $.collections[*].itemType) is a string with the value record SHALL be considered to be catalogs.


The schema of each catalog in the response SHALL be based upon the schema defined in the /req/records-api/catalog-response requirement.

8.5.5. Records access Operation

Requirement 34



For every catalog identified in the collections response (path: /collections), the server SHALL support the HTTP GET operation at the path /collections/{collectionId}/items.


The parameter collectionId is each id property in the collections response (JSONPath: $.collections[*].id) where the itemsType property (JSONPath: $.collections[*].itemType) is a string with the value record.

Requirement 35 /req/records-api/mandatory-params


An implementation of the Records API SHALL support the parameters listed in Table 12 at the /collections/{collectionId}/items endpoint.


The parameter collectionId is each id property in the collections response (JSONPath: $.collections[*].id) where the value of the itemType (JSONPath $.collections[*].itemType) is record. id is a local identifier of the record.

Permission 11


Any combination of query parameters from the Table of Query Parameters and any additional query parameters MAY be specified on the operation for the purpose of selecting a subset of catalog records (i.e. filtering). Response
Requirement 36 /req/records-api/query-params


Only records satisfying all the predicates specified by the included query parameters and additional query parameters SHALL be in the result set.


The implied logical operation between query parameters/additional query parameters SHALL be "AND". Response encoding

Table 13 lists specific requirements based on the negotiated representation of the response.

Table 13. Negotiated representation of response
Representation Requirements


Requirements Class JSON


Requirements Class HTML Examples

The following is an example of a response to an OGC API - Records query operation (path: /collections/{collectionId}/items). This example shows a JSON response and the response container is a GeoJSON feature collection. Specific records are not presented in this example to illustrate the structure of the response container in GeoJSON.

Records Example in GeoJSON
  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "timeStamp": "2021-03-06T07:10:00",
  "numberReturned": 10,
  "numberMatched": 347,
  "features": [
     { ... record ... },
     { ... record ... },
     { ... record ... },
     { ... record ... },
     { ... record ... },
  "links": [
       "href": "",
       "rel": "collection",
       "type": "application/geo+json",
       "title": "Link to the containing collection in JSON"
       "href": "",
       "rel": "collection",
       "type": "text/html",
       "title": "Link to the containing collection in HTML"
       "href": "",
       "rel": "collection",
       "type": "text/xml",
       "title": "Link to the containing collection in XML"

       "href": "",
       "rel": "self",
       "type": "application/geo+json",
       "title": "Link to this response"
       "href": "",
       "rel": "alternate",
       "type": "text/html",
       "title": "Link to this response in HTML"
       "href": "",
       "rel": "alternate",
       "type": "application/atom+xml",
       "title": "Link to this response in ATOM (i.e. as an ATOM feed)"
       "href": "",
       "rel": "next",
       "type": "application/geo+json",
       "title": "Link to the next set of records in GeoJSON"
       "href": "",
       "rel": "next",
       "type": "text/html",
       "title": "Link to the next set of records in HTML"
       "href": "",
       "rel": "next",
       "type": "application/atom+xml",
       "title": "Link to the next set of records in ATOM (i.e. as an ATOM feed)"

The following is an example of a single catalog record encoded in GeoJSON. Such a record might appear in the features array of a query response or it may be the response when a specific, single record is accessed (path: /collections/{collectionId}/items/{recordId}).

Record Example in GeoJSON
  "id": "urn:x-wmo:md:int.wmo.wis::",
  "type": "Feature",
  "time": {
    "interval": [ "1924-08-17T00:00:00Z", ".."],
    "resolution": "P1D"
  "geometry": {
    "type": "Polygon",
    "coordinates": [ [ [ -180, -90 ], [ -180, 90 ],
          [ 180, 90 ], [ 180, -90 ], [ -180, -90 ] ] ]
  "conformsTo": [
  "properties": {
    "created": "2021-02-08T00:00:00Z",
    "updated": "2021-02-08T00:00:00Z",
    "type": "dataset",
    "title": "Total Ozone - daily observations",
    "description": "A measurement of the total amount of atmospheric ozone in a given column from the surface to the edge of the atmosphere. Ground based instruments such as spectrophotometers and ozonemeters are used to measure results daily",
    "keywords": [ "total", "ozone", "level 1.0", "column",
                  "dobson", "brewer", "saoz" ],
    "language": {
      "code": "en-CA",
      "name": "English (Canada)"
    "languages": [
        "code": "en-CA",
        "name": "English (Canada)"
        "code": "fr-CA",
        "name": "French (Canada)"
    "externalIds": [
        "scheme": "WMO:WIS",
        "value": "urn:x-wmo:md:int.wmo.wis::"
    "contacts": [
        "name": "World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre",
        "links": [
             "href": "",
             "rel": "about",
             "type": "text/html"
        "contactInstructions": "SEE PAGE:",
        "roles": [ "publisher" ]
    "themes": [
        "concepts": [
          { "id": "dobson" }, { "id": "brewer" },
          { "id": "vassey" }, { "id": "pion" },
          { "id": "microtops" }, { "id": "spectral" },
          { "id": "hoelper" }, { "id": "saoz" },
          { "id": "filter" }
        "scheme": ""
        "concepts": [
          { "id": "atmosphericComposition" }, { "id": "pollution" },
          { "id": "observationPlatform" }, { "id": "rocketSounding" }
        "scheme": ""
    "formats": [ "CSV", "GeoJSON" ],
    "license": "other"
  "linkTemplates": [
      "rel": "describes",
      "type": "image/png",
      "title": "World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre (WOUDC) stations",
      "uriTemplate": "{crs}&bbox={bbox}&layers=stations&width={width}&height={height}&format=image/png",
      "variables": {
        "bbox": {
          "description": "...",
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "type": "number",
            "format": "double"
          "minItems": 4,
          "maxItems": 4
        "crs": {
          "description": "...",
          "type": "string",
          "enum": [
        "width": {
          "description": "...",
          "type": "number",
          "format": "integer",
          "minimum": 600,
          "maximum": 5000
        "height": {
          "description": "...",
          "type": "number",
          "format": "integer",
          "minimum": 600,
          "maximum": 5000
  "links": [
      "rel": "alternate",
      "type": "text/html",
      "title": "This document as HTML",
      "href": ""
      "rel": "preview",
      "type": "image/png",
      "title": "Total Ozone Preview Image",
      "href": ""
      "rel": "enclosure",
      "type": "text/html",
      "title": "Web Accessible Folder (WAF)",
      "href": "",
      "created": "2015-01-23T00:00:00Z",
      "updated": "2015-01-23T00:00:00Z"
      "rel": "search",
      "type": "text/html",
      "title": "Data Search / Download User Interface",
      "href": ""
      "rel": "enclosure",
      "type": "application/zip",
      "title": "Static dataset archive file",
      "href": "",
      "created": "2015-01-23T00:00:00Z",
      "updated": "2015-01-23T00:00:00Z"
      "rel": "service",
      "type": "application/xml",
      "title": "OGC Web Feature Service (WFS)",
      "href": ""
      "rel": "license",
      "href": ""

8.5.6. Record access Operation

Requirement 37



For every record in a catalog the server SHALL support the HTTP GET operation at the /collection/{collectionId}/items/{recordId} path.


The parameter collectionId is each id property in the collections response (JSONPath: $.collections[*].id) where the value of the itemType (JSONPath $.collections[*].itemType) is record. id is a local identifier of the record. Response

Requirement 38



The body of the response SHALL contain a record based on the following schema:

type: object
  - id
  - type
  - geometry
  - properties
    type: string
      A unique identifier of the catalog record.
    type: string
      - Feature
      - enum:
        - null
      - $ref: 'time.yaml'
      - enum:
        - null
      - $ref: ''
      - $ref: 'recordCommonProperties.yaml'
      - type:
    type: array
      $ref: 'linkBase.yaml'
    type: array
      $ref: 'linkTemplate.yaml'


The links section of the record SHALL contain the following links:

  • a link to this response document (relation: self),

  • a typed link to the response document in every other media type supported by the service (relation: alternate), and

  • a link to the record collection that contains this record (relation: collection).


All links SHALL include the rel parameter.

The term "typed link" means a link that specifies a value for the type attribute.

8.6. Requirements Class "Sorting" (Common Component)

8.6.1. Overview

Requirements Class

Target type


The Sorting Requirements Class defines the requirements for specifying how records in a response should be ordered for presentation.

8.6.2. Parameter sortby

Requirement 39 /req/sorting/sortby-param


At the searchable catalog endpoint, the operation SHALL support a parameter sortby with the following characteristics (using an OpenAPI Specification 3.0 fragment):

name: sortby
in: query
required: false
  type: array
  minItems: 1
    type: string
    pattern: '[+|-]?[A-Za-z_].*'
explode: false
style: form


The default sort order SHALL be ascending (i.e. +).


The core definition of the sortby parameter only defines a single directive that controls the sort order of the corresponding property. It is anticipated extensions would add additional search facets such as directives for:

  1. Handling missing values,

  2. Specifying a high value indicating that the corresponding property be sorted as if it were the highest possible value,

  3. Specifying a low value indicating that the corresponding property be sorted as if it were the lowest possible value,

  4. Allowing records to be omitted from the result set based on their sort order,

  5. Specify a fixed value and a fixed value that sorts the corresponding property as if it were the specified fixed value.

Requirement 40 /req/sorting/sortby-response


If the sortby parameter is specified, then the records in a response SHALL be ordered by the keys and sort directions (i.e. ascending or descending) specified.


The specific set of keys that may be used for sorting SHALL be specified by the /collections/{collectionId}/sortables resource.

Requirement 41 /req/sorting/get-sortables-op


For every catalog, the server SHALL support the HTTP GET operation at the sortables endpoint and the media type application/schema+json.


The sortables resource SHALL be referenced from the catalog with a link with the link relation type

Requirement 42 /req/sorting/get-sortables-success


A successful execution of the operation SHALL be reported as a response with a HTTP status code 200.


For responses that use application/schema+json as the Content-Type of the response, the response SHALL have the following characteristics:

  • The property $schema is or

  • The property $id is the URI of the resource without query parameters.

  • The type is object and each property is a sortable.

  • The property $schema is or

  • The property $id is the URI of the resource without query parameters.

  • The type is object and each property is a queryable.


Each property SHALL include a type member, except for spatial properties.


Each spatial property SHALL not include a type or $ref member.


Each spatial property SHALL include a format member with a string value "geometry", followed by a hyphen, followed by the name of the geometry type in lower case with "any" as the wildcard for any geometry type. In other words, the values for the Simple Feature geometry types are: geometry-any, geometry-point, geometry-multipoint, geometry-linestring, geometry-multilinestring, geometry-polygon, geometry-multipolygon, and geometry-geometrycollection.


If included, the additionalProperties member SHALL have a value of false.

Permission 12


The response MAY include properties that do not actually exist in the information model of the record but are somehow derived or synthesized by the system.

The response is returned as a JSON Schema document that describes a single JSON object where each property is a sortable. Note that the sortables schema does not specify a schema of any object that can be retrieved from a Records API endpoint. JSON Schema is used for the sortables to have a consistent approach for describing schema information and JSON Schema is/will be used in other parts of OGC API - Features suite of standards to describe schemas for GeoJSON feature content including in OpenAPI documents.

The OGC Features API Standards Working Group has a schema harmonization task that could lead to a future OGC API Standard that will deprecate the approach for the sortables resource specified in this document.

To support clients, providing additional detail about the meaning of the sortables is recommended:

Recommendation 30



Each property SHOULD have a human readable title (title) and where necessary a description (description).


Each property SHOULD have a single type (type).

In an OpenAPI 3.0 document, the Sortables resource has the following schema:

  A list of properties by which the server response may be sorted.
      $ref: '../schemas/schema.yaml'
      type: string 

8.6.3. Declaring default sort order

This Specification does not mandate a specific default sort order for records fetched from a searchable catalog. However, servers can declare a default sort order.

Requirement 43 /req/sorting/defaultSortOrder-definition


The information model of a catalog SHALL include the defaultSortOrder member with the following characteristics (using an OpenAPI Specification 3.0 fragment):

    type: array
      type: string


Each string in the array SHALL be the name of a sortable.


If a listed sortable is prepended with a + this SHALL indicate that the sort order is ascending.


If a listed sortable is prepended with a - this SHALL indicate that the sort order is descending.


If a listed sortables is not prepended with a + or - then the sort order SHALL be assumed to be ascending.


If the defaultSortOrder member is not present in the response, then no sorting information SHALL be assumed.

8.6.4. Sorting by relevance (informative)

A common practice is to sort search results by relevance.

This capability is accomodated in this Standard by using synthetic sortables. That is, using a sortable that is derived or synthesized by the server.

A sever implementing relevance ranking might include, in its list of sortables, a sortable named relevance that is dynamically computed for each result in a result set. How exactly the value of the relevance score is computed is left to the server’s discretion. The value of the synthetic relevance sortable could, for example, be between 0 and 10 with zero indicating least relevance and 10 indicating most relevance. A sortBy clause specified on a request specifying a descending sort by the relevance property would present search results from most to least relevant.

8.6.5. Examples

Default Sort Order Example
    "id": "sentinel1cat",
    "itemType": "record",
    "title": "Sentinel-1 Catalog",
    "description": "A sample catalog of Sentinel-1 products stored in S3 on AWS.",
    "defaultSortOrder": [ "-updated", "-area"],
    "links": [
            "href": "",
            "rel": "items",
            "title": "Catalog records describing SENTINEL-1 products."

The following examples assume the following set of sortables retrieved from the servers /collection/{catalogId}/sortables endpoint:

List of sortables
   "$schema": "",
   "$id": "",
   "type": "object",
   "properties": {
      "id": {
         "title": "Record Identifier",
         "description": "A unique record identifier assigned by the server.",
         "type": "string"
      "updated": {
         "title": "Updated",
         "description": "The more recent date on which the resource was changed.",
         "type": "string",
         "format": "date"
      "area": {
         "title": "Spatial area of the resource",
         "description": "This is a synthetic sortable that the server computes on the fly based on the spatial extent of the resource.  Resources without spatial extent have zero area.",
         "type": "number"
      "relevance": {
         "title": "Relevance of the result",
         "description": "This is a synthetic sortable that the server computes on the fly to assign a relevance score to each result with respect to the query parameters specified in the original request.  How exactly the relevance score is computed is up to the discretion of the server.",
         "type": "number",
         "minimum": 0,
         "maximum": 10
      "extent": {
         "title": "Spatio-Temporal Extent",
         "description": "The spatio-temporal coverage of the resource.",
         "type": "object"
sortby Example of descending sort by updated date and ascending sort of record identifier.
sortby Example of an ascending sort by extent (i.e. smallest area first)
sortby Example of a descending sort by relevance (i.e. most relevant first)

8.7. Requirements Class "Filtering" (Common Component)

8.7.1. Overview

Requirements Class

Target type



OGC API - Features - Part 3: Filtering and the Common Query Language (CQL)

This clause defines the binding to the filtering parameters defined in the OGC API - Features - Part 3: Filtering and the use of the Common Query Language (CQL2) as the query language.

8.7.2. Records filtering Operation

As specified in the Records Access clause, records are accessed using the HTTP GET method via the /collections/{collectionId}/items path. The following additional requirements bind the parameters filter, filter-lang and filter-crs to the GET operation on this path.

Requirement 44



The HTTP GET operation SHALL support the filter parameter as defined in Parameter filter.


For searchable catalogs, the path for which this parameter is supported SHALL be /collections/{collectionId}/items.


For local resources catalogs, the path for which this parameter is supported SHALL be whichever path is being extended for catalog-like search capabilities (e.g. /collections).

Requirement 45



The HTTP GET operation SHALL support the filter-lang parameter as defined in Parameter filter-lang.


For searchable catalogs, the path for which this parameter is supported SHALL be /collections/{collectionId}/items.


For local resources catalogs, the path for which this parameter is supported SHALL be whichever path is being extended for catalog-like search capabilities (e.g. /collections).

Recommendation 31



If a filter expression can be represented for its intended use as text, servers SHOULD consider supporting the CQL text encoding.

Recommendation 32



If a filter expression can be represented for its intended use as JSON, servers SHOULD consider supporting the CQL JSON encoding.

Requirement 46




The HTTP GET operation SHALL support the filter-crs parameter as defined in Parameter filter-crs.


For searchable catalogs, the path for which this parameter is supported SHALL be /collections/{collectionId}/items.


For local resources catalogs, the path for which this parameter is supported SHALL be whichever path is being extended for catalog-like search capabilities (e.g. /collections). Response

Requirement 47



A filter expression SHALL be evaluated for each record of a collection.


All other filtering parameters specified (i.e. zero or more of bbox, datetime, q, type, externalIds and any additional query parameters) SHALL be evaluated for each record of a collection.


If the filter expression AND all other specified filtering parameters (i.e. zero or more of bbox, datetime, q, type, externalIds and any additional query parameters) evaluate to TRUE then the record SHALL be included in the result set.


If the filter expression OR any other specified filtering parameter (i.e. zero or more of bbox, datetime, q, type, externalIds and any additional query parameters) evaluates to FALSE then the record SHALL be excluded from the result set. Overview

Links can be added to a catalog record in various ways. This clause describes the various linking patterns and describes how to use CQL to filter based on links. Linking patterns in records

Links can be added to the following sections in a catalog record:

  1. the links section,

  2. the linkTemplates section,

  3. the properties section.

The schema for links added to the links and linkTemplates sections is based on RFC 8288 and is described in the OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core Standard.

Links added directly to the properties section of a catalog record can be added using the following patterns:

  1. The link relation is the key for an array of links with a schema similar to that used in the links section but omitting the rel key.

  2. The link relation is the key for an array of href values.

  3. The link relation is the key for an an href value.

The following examples illustrate each of these linking patterns:

Adding links to the links section
   "properties": {
            "rel" : "alternate",
            "title" : "This records as XML.",
            "href" : ""
            "rel": "next",
            "title": "The next record in this result set.",
            "href" : ""
Adding links to the properties section
  "properties": {
    "related": [
        "title" : "A related record",
        "href" : ""
    "license": {
      "title" : "CC BY 2.0",
      "href" : ""
    "enclosure": {
      "title": "GeoPackage of Feature Data",
      "href" : "https:/{bbox}",
      "varBase": "
Adding links to the properties section
   "properties": {
      "related": [""],
      "license": "",
} Examples

The following example illustrates how to filter links that may appear in a catalog record.

Filtering links in the links section
links[rel='license'].title LIKE 'CC%'
Filtering links in the properties section
properties.related[*].href LIKE '%/rec15' AND properties.license.title LIKE 'CC%'
Filtering links in the properties section
properties.related LIKE '%/rec15' AND properties.license LIKE ''
Filtering by keyword from a controlled vocabulary

The following example illustrates how to use OGC API - Feature - Part 3: Filtering and CQL2 to query by keywords from a specific controlled vocabulary.

The use of keywords from a controlled vocabulary is encoded in a record using the themes property. Consider a record that has the following themes property:

   "themes": [
       "concepts": [
       "scheme": ""
       "concepts": [
       "scheme": ""

Using an implementation of the OGC API - Feature - Part 3: Filtering Standard, a server would need to expose two queryables, scheme and concept for the purpose of filtering using keywords from a specific controlled vocabulary. Using these queryables, the following filter could be expressed:

An alternative approach that does rely on using OGC API - Feature - Part 3: Filtering and CQL2 would rely on the server defining a set of query parameters in the server’s API description document, again named scheme and concept, that would allow the following filter to be expressed:,hoelper

8.8. Requirements Class "Autodiscovery" (Common Component)

8.8.1. Overview

Requirements Class

Target type



Record Collection

The purpose of autodiscovery is, knowing the location of a web page, to find the addresses(s) of that page’s associated catalog(s). For example, a client could retrieve the landing page of an OGC API deployment, find the location of the site’s searchable catalog by locating the rel="" link in the landing page and then, using that catalog, search for resources offered by the site.


8.9. Encodings

8.9.1. Overview

This Standard defines two requirements classes, HTML and JSON for encoding resources defined in this Standard.

HTML is the core language of the World Wide Web. An API that supports HTML supports browsing resources with a web browser and also enables search engines to crawl and index those resources.

JSON is a language-independent file format that uses human-readable text to store and transmit data objects consisting of key-value pairs and arrays. It is a commonly used data format in machine-to-machine communication including that between web applications and servers. It is well supported by numerous tools and sofware libraries.

"GeoJSON is a geospatial data interchange format based on JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). It defines several types of JSON objects and the way they are combined to represent data about geographic features, their properties, and their spatial extents. GeoJSON uses a geographic coordinate reference system, World Geodetic System 1984, and units of decimal degrees." IETF RFC 7946

GeoJSON provides a simple way of representing records in JSON and is supported by numerous geospatial tools and software libraries. It is best used for content which has a spatial extent that can be used with the World Geodetic System 1984 Coordinate Reference System.

8.9.2. Requirements Class JSON (Common Component) Overview

Requirements Class

Target type

Document encoding


IETF RFC 8259: The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format


JSON Schema



Requirement 49 /req/json/conformance


The conformsTo array SHALL contain the value

The location of the conformsTo array depends on the type of catalog being deployed. In the case of the searchable or local resources catalog, the conformsTo array can be found in the conformance page (path: /conformance) of the OGC API deployment or in the catalog. In the case of a crawalable catalog, the conformsTo array is found in the catalog. Record encoding

GeoJSON is a commonly used format based on JSON that is simple to understand and well supported by tools and software libraries. Since most Web developers are comfortable with using a JSON-based format, supporting GeoJSON is recommended. The caveat is, if record data can be represented in GeoJSON for the intended use.

The following requirements apply when:

  1. The Records API endpoint advertises conformance to the JSON Conformance Class.

  2. The client negotiates that the content of the server’s response be GeoJSON.

Requirement 50



200-responses of the server SHALL support the following media type:

  • application/geo+json for resources that include record content.


The geometry member SHALL be present and SHALL store a geometry, for the purpose of discovery, of the resource being described by the record. This can be the actual geometry of the resource or some other representation of the space that the resource occupies.


The extent member SHALL include the bounding extent of the resource being described by the record. If the server chooses to use the bounding box of the resource as the geometry of the resource, then the geometry and extent values may be the same.

Requirement 51



Every 200-response with the media type application/geo+json SHALL be


The links specified in the requirements /req/core/rc-links and /req/core/record-links SHALL be added in an extension property (foreign member) with the name links.


The schema of all responses with the media type application/geo+json SHALL validate against the OpenAPI 3.0 schema document recordGeoJSON.yaml.

It should be noted that the recordGeoJSON.yaml schema makes the geometry member mandatory because the GeoJSON RFC requires that the geometry member be present. If a resource described by a JSON-encoded record does not have any spatial characteristics, the values of the geometry member can be null as per the GeoJSON RFC.
type: object
  - id
  - type
  - geometry
  - properties
    type: string
      A unique identifier of the catalog record.
    type: string
      - Feature
      - enum:
        - null
      - $ref: 'time.yaml'
      - enum:
        - null
      - $ref: ''
      - $ref: 'recordCommonProperties.yaml'
      - type:
    type: array
      $ref: 'linkBase.yaml'
    type: array
      $ref: 'linkTemplate.yaml'
type: object
    type: array
      The extensions/conformance classes used in this record.
      type: string
    type: string
      The date this record was created in the server.
    format: date-time
    type: string
      The most recent date on which the record was changed.
    format: date-time
    type: string
      The nature or genre of the resource. The value
      should be a code, convenient for filtering
      records. Where available, a link to the canonical
      URI of the record type resource will be added to
      the 'links' property.
    type: string
      A human-readable name given to the resource.
    type: string
      A free-text account of the resource.
    type: array
      The topic or topics of the resource. Typically
      represented using free-form keywords, tags, key
      phrases, or classification codes.
      type: string
    type: array
      A knowledge organization system used to classify
      the resource.
    minItems: 1
      $ref: 'theme.yaml'
      The language used for textual values in this
      record representation.
    $ref: 'language.yaml'
    type: array
      This list of languages in which this record is
      $ref: 'language.yaml'
    type: array
      The list of languages in which the resource
      described by this record is available.
      $ref: 'language.yaml'
    type: array
      An identifier for the resource assigned by an
      external (to the catalog) entity.
      type: object
          type: string
            A reference to an authority or identifier
            for a knowledge organization system from
            which the external identifier was obtained.
            It is recommended that the identifier be a
            resolvable URI.
          type: string
          description: The value of the identifier.
        - value
    type: array
      A list of available distributions of the resource.
      $ref: 'format.yaml'
    type: array
      A list of contacts qualified by their role(s) in
      association to the record or the resource described
      by the record.
      $ref: 'contact.yaml'
    $ref: 'license.yaml'
    type: string
      A statement that concerns all rights not addressed
      by the license such as a copyright statement.

Permission 13


In the GeoJSON encoding of a record, the time member is a top-level field. Since some popular GeoJSON tools only manipulate record properties encoded in the properties section of a GeoJSON record, implementations MAY duplicate the time member from the top level into the properties section to take advantage of these available tools.


This standard does not define a normative schema for a record encoding that is not GeoJSON. However, this informative schema is offered as an example of what a plain JSON record schema might look like. Catalog encoding

JSON is an open standard file format and data interchange format that uses human-readable text to store and transmit data objects consisting of attribute–value pairs and arrays (or other serializable values). JSON is a commonly used data encoding with diverse uses in electronic data interchange, including that of web applications with servers. Therefore, the recommendation is to use the JSON encoding if the catalog (i.e. a collection of record) data can be represented in JSON for the intended use.

The following requirements apply when:

  1. The Records API endpoint advertises conformance to the JSON Conformance Class

  2. The client negotiates that the content of the server’s response be JSON.

Requirement 52



200-responses of the server SHALL support the following media type:

  • application/ogc-catalog+json for catalog or record collection resources.

Requirement 53


The schema of all responses with the media type application/ogc-catalog+json SHALL validate against the OpenAPI 3.0 schema document catalog.yaml.

  - $ref: 'recordCommonProperties.yaml'
  - type: object
      - id
      - type
      - links
          The identifier of the catalog.
        type: string
          If this catalog is a homogenous collection
          of records then itemType is a string of fixed
          value of record.
          If this catalog is a homogenous collection
          of other catalogs then itemType is a string of
          fixed value of catalog.
          If this catalog is a heterogenous collection
          of records and catalogs then itemType is a array
          indicated that item types of the members of this
          collections (i.e. record and/or catalog).
          - type: string
              - record
              - catalog
          - type: array
              type: string
                - record
                - catalog
          Fixed to catalog for collections of records
          and/or subordinate catalogs.
        type: string
          - Catalog
        $ref: ''
          The list of supported coordinate reference systems.
        type: array
          type: string
        type: string
          - records
        type: array
           An array of records that are part of this catalog that
           are encoded in-line with the catalog.
          $ref: 'recordGeoJSON.yaml'
        type: array
          $ref: 'linkBase.yaml'
        type: array
          $ref: 'linkTemplate.yaml'
        type: array
          A list of schemes used in this context.
          $ref: 'scheme.yaml'

Referenced schemas can be found at:

8.9.3. Requirements Class HTML (Common Component)

Requirements Class

Target type

Document encoding



Requirement 54 /req/html/conformance


The conformsTo array SHALL contain the value

The location of the conformsTo array depends on the type of catalog being deployed. In the case of the searchable or local resources catalog, the conformsTo array can be found in the conformance page (path: /conformance) of the OGC API deployment or in the catalog. In the case of a crawalable catalog, the conformsTo array is found in the catalog.

Catalog information that is only accessible in formats primarily intended to be read by machines, such as JSON or XML, have two issues:

  • The data is not discoverable using the most common mechanism for discovering information, the Web search engines.

  • The data cannot be viewed directly in a browser (additional tools are required to view the data).

Therefore, sharing catalog data on the Web should include publication in HTML. To be consistent with the Web, it should be done in a way that enables users and search engines to access all data.

Requirement 55



Every 200 response of an operation of the server SHALL support the media type text/html.

Requirement 56



Every 200 response of the server with the media type text/html SHALL be a HTML 5 document that includes the following information in the HTML body:

  • All information identified in the schemas of the Response Object in the HTML <body>, and

  • All links in HTML <a> elements in the HTML <body>.

Recommendation 33



A 200 response with the media type text/html, SHOULD include annotations.

8.10. Requirements Class "OpenAPI 3.0" (Common Component)

8.10.1. Basic requirements

Servers conforming to this requirements class define their API using an OpenAPI Document.

Requirement 57



The API implementation SHALL demonstrate conformance to the OpenAPI 3.0 requirements class of the OGC API - Feature - Part 1: Core Standard.

Requirement 58 /req/oas30/conformance


The conformsTo array found in the conformance path (path: /conformance) SHALL contain the value

9. Catalog deployments

9.1. Overview

This clause uses the common components defined in this Standard to define various catalog deployments.

9.2. Requirements Class "Crawlable Catalog" (Deployment)

9.2.1. Overview

Requirements Class

Target type



Record Core


Record Collection





The Crawlable Catalog Requirements Class defines the requirements for a catalog composed of static, web-accessible files.

The goal of a crawlable catalog is to expose metadata about resources online with as low an entry barrier as possible, thus making those resources more easily discoverable.

A crawlable catalog is a deployment pattern that uses the collection and record common components defined in this Standard. It is simply a set of files deployed on the web, usually encoded as HTML or JSON, that conform to the collection and record schemas defined in this Standard. The files contain embedded links to enable navigation from one to another. Any HTTP server or cloud storage service, for example, could be used to expose the files of a crawlable catalog.

A crawlable catalog is not searchable and does not respond to query requests. As the name implies, it can only be crawled (or harvested) by following the embedded links, typically by search engines and other active catalogs or browsed using a web browser. However, due to its simplicity, a crawlable catalog is easy to deploy and maintain, and is very reliable.

It should be pointed out that a searchable catalog can also behave as a crawlable catalog as long as the requirements in this clause are satisfied by the searchable catalog implementation.

9.2.2. Making a resource discoverable

Requirement 59


A record SHALL be created for each resource to be made discoverable.

Attention is drawn to requirement /per/record-core/additional-properties-record that allows the information content of the record to be enriched as required to describe the resource being made discoverable.

Requirement 60


The record file SHALL be placed in a web-accessible location.

This Standard is primarily concerned with making resources discoverable on the open Web that sits on top of the public Internet. However, the same requirement applies in more restricted contexts such as a company Intranet or within classified networks. In other words, the record should be placed in a location that is accessible to the intended audience.

Recommendation 34


The name of the record file SHOULD be {id}.json where {id} is the identifier of the record.

Recommendation 35


The record file SHOULD be located close to the resource(s) that the record describes.

For example, the record file could be placed in the same web-accessible directory or object store as the resource(s) that the record describes.

9.2.3. Grouping a collection of records into a catalog

Requirement 61


A collection of related records, called a catalog, SHALL be described by a Record Collection object.

Requirement 62


The catalog SHALL be placed in a web-accessible location.

This Standard is primarily concerned with making resources discoverable on the open Web that sits on top of the public Internet. However, the same requirement applies in more restricted contexts such as a company Intranet or within classified networks. In other words, the catalog should be placed in a location that is accessible to the intended audience.
Requirement 63 /req/crawlable-catalog/conformance


The conformsTo array found in the catalog SHALL contain the value

9.2.4. Organizing crawlable catalogs

In order to provide flexibility with regard to how crawlable catalogs can be organized (e.g. series, hierarchy, etc.) a catalog can also provide information about and access to related catalogs. As such, the Record Collection object can be used as a common entry point for crawling to multiple related catalogs, sub-catalogs, records and other resources.

The relationships among catalogs and records are expressed as links in the links section of the catalog and the links section of the record.

9.3. Requirements Class "Searchable Catalog" (Deployment)

Requirements Class

Target type



Records API


Record Core


Record Collection


Records Core Query Parameters

9.3.1. Overview

The Searchable Catalog Requirements Class defines the requirements for a catalog that is searchable through an API. A searchable catalog is an implementation of the OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core Standard that uses a defined information model. In the case of the OGC API - Records Standard, that information model is the Record.

Requirement 64


Implementations of this requirements class SHALL implement the following common components:





Permission 14


Implementations of this conformance class MAY, additionally, implement the following common components:





Requirement 65



A server’s conformance declaration SHALL be retrieved from the /conformance endpoint as defined in the Declaration of conformance classes clause of the OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core Standard.


An implementation of a searchable catalog SHALL declare the following conformance classes in the conformance declaration:


A server that supports JSON responses SHALL declare the following conformance classes in the conformance declaration:


A server that supports HTML responses SHALL declare the following conformance classes in the conformance declaration:


A server that supports a server description document using OpenAPI 3.0 SHALL declare the following conformance classes in the conformance declaration:


A server that supports autodiscovery SHALL declare the following conformance classes in the conformance declaration:

Requirement 66


The information model describing a searchable catalog SHALL contain all the mandatory properties listed in Table 11.

Permission 15 /per/searchable-catalog/additional-catalog-properties


A catalog object MAY include zero or more of the optional properties listed in Table 11.


A catalog object MAY include any number of additional properties not listed in Table 11. The meaning of these additional properties is not specified in this document.

Requirement 67


Each record accessibles via a searchable catalog SHALL include all the mandatory properties listed in Table 8 and Table 9.

Permission 16 /per/searchable-catalog/additional-record-properties


Each record accessible via a searchable catalog MAY include zero or more of the optional properties listed in Table 8 and Table 9.


Each record accessible via a searchable catalog MAY include any number of additional properties not listed in Table 8 and Table 9. The meaning of these additional properties is not specified in this document.

9.3.2. Requirements Class "Searchable Catalog - Filtering" (Deployment)

Requirements Class

Target type



Searchable Catalog



This requirements class specifies requirements and recommendations for supporting advanced filtering at searchable catalog endpoints. Advanced filter expressions can only reference properties from an advertised set of queryables.

Requirement 68


Implementations that offer enhanced filtering SHALL implement the following requirements class at the searchable catalog enpoint of /collections/{collectionId}/items where the itemType property of the collection with id {collectionId} (JSONPath: $.collections[*].itemType) is a string with the value record.


Requirement 69



A server’s conformance declaration SHALL be retrieved from the /conformance endpoint as defined in the Declaration of conformance classes clause of the OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core Standard.


An implementation of this requirements class SHALL declare the following conformance classes in the conformance declaration:

Requirement 70


The list of queryables SHALL include all the mandatory properties listed in Table 8 and Table 9.

Permission 17


The list of queryables MAY also include:


Zero or more of the optional properties listed in Table 8 and Table 9,


Any number of additional properties that are part of the record but are not listed in Table 8 and Table 9.

9.3.3. Requirements Class "Searchable Catalog - Sorting" (Deployment)

Requirements Class

Target type



Searchable Catalog



The Searchable Catalog - Sorting requirements class specifies requirements for supporting sorting of responses at searchable catalog endpoints.

Requirement 71


Implementations of sorting of record responses SHALL implement the following requirements class at the searchable catalog endpoint of /collections/{collectionId}/items where the itemType property of the collection with id {collectionId} (JSONPath: $.collections[*].itemType) is a string with the value record.


Requirement 72



A server’s conformance declaration SHALL be retrieved from the /conformance endpoint as defined in the Declaration of conformance classes clause of the OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core Standard.


An implementation of this requirements class SHALL declare the following conformance classes in the conformance declaration:

9.4. Requirements Class "Local Resources Catalog" (Deployment)

9.4.1. Overview

Requirements Class

Target type



Record Core


Record Collection


The set of OGC API Standards define a number of resource endpoints from which summary information about resources accessible via the server’s API can be retrieved. These endpoints are referred to as local resources catalogs in this Standard because they provide metadata about resources offered locally by a deployment of some or all of the set of OGC API Standards.

  • local_resources_endpoint
    Refers to the path from which a catalog of local resources can be retrieved.

  • local_resources_catalog
    Refers to an instance of the resource that can be retrieved from the local resources endpoint (i.e. the catalog).

  • local_resources_item
    Each local resources catalog includes an array member. The items of that array are objects (i.e. records) that contain summary metadata about resources retrievable via the server’s API. These objects are referred to as local resources items.

The /collections endpoint is an example of a local resources endpoint. Doing a GET operation at the local resources endpoint (i.e. GET /collections) returns a document that is an example of a local resources catalog. This document contains an array member named collections and the items of that array are the local resources items. Each of these local resources items provides metadata about some resource (e.g. a feature collection) that is accessible via the server’s API.

Other local resources endpoints available in the OGC API resource tree include the /processes endpoint which provides summary metadata about processes and the /collections/{collectionId}/scenes endpoint which provides metadata about the source images of a coverage.

In order to enable catalog-like searching at these local resources endpoints, this requirements class:

  1. Extends the information content of the local resources catalog to satisfy the requirements of the Record Collection common component.

  2. Extends the information content of the local resources item to satisfy the requirements of the Record Core common component.

  3. Optionally extends the local resources endpoint with a set of query parameters that support a basic capability.

The Local Resources Catalog requirements class does not define the specific endpoints in the OGC API resource tree that should be enabled with catalog-like query capabilities. It only defines how those endpoints should be enhanced should the requirement for catalog-like searching be identified by the responsible OGC Standard. It is anticipated that the responsible OGC standard will define a requirements class or extension to enable local resources catalog capabilities at that endpoint.

9.4.2. Common components

Requirement 73


Implementations of this requirements class SHALL implement the following common components:




9.4.3. Declaring conformance

Requirement 74



A server’s conformance declaration SHALL be retrieved from the /conformance endpoint as defined in the Declaration of conformance classes clause of the OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core Standard.


An implementation of a local resources catalog SHALL declare the following conformance classes in the conformance declaration:


A server that supports JSON responses SHALL declare the following conformance classes in the conformance declaration:


A server that supports HTML responses SHALL declare the following conformance classes in the conformance declaration:

9.4.4. Extending the local resources catalog

As an example of a local resources endpoint, consider the /collections endpoint. The resource, called collections, that can be retrieved from this endpoint is defined in OGC API - Features. The following table cross-walks the information content of the collections object with the catalog.

Table 14. Crosswalk of collections object and catalog
Collections property Requirement Catalog property Requirement





































































































The information content of the collections object, a local resources catalog, is sparse and so the following requirements and recommendations are made:

Requirement 75


The information model of the local resources catalog SHALL contain all the mandatory properties listed in Table 11.

Permission 18


Table 15 contains a list of recommended additional properties that MAY be added to the information model of a local resources catalog.

Table 15. Additional properties for a local resources object
Property Description


The extensions/conformance classes used in this local resources object.


Date of creation of this local resources object.


The most recent date on which this local resources object was changed.


The nature or genre of the resource described by this local resources object.


A human readable name assigned to the resource describes by this local resources object.


A free-text account about the resource described by this local resources object.


The topic or topics associated with the resource describes by this local resources object. Typically represented using free-form keywords, tags, key phrases, or classification codes.


A knowledge organization system used to classify the resource described by this local resources object.


The language used for textual values for this local resources object.


This list of other languages in which this local resources object can be retrieved.


The list of languages in which the resource described by this local resources object is available.


A list of available distributions of the resource described by this local resources object.


A list of contacts qualified by their role(s).


A legal document under which the resource describes by this local resources object is made available.


A statement that concerns all rights not addresses by the license such as a copyright statement.

Permission 19


A local resources catalog MAY contain any number of other additional properties not listed in Table 11 and Table 15. The meaning of these other additional properties is not specified in this document.

In practice the responsible standard would define how the two sets of properties are merged into the local resources catalog. In this example it is straight forward since the collections object (path: /collections) is sparse and most catalog properties can be added without issue. It should further be noted that for the collections object (path: /collections) the name of the array containing the local resources items (i.e. the records) is "collections" and so the value of the recordsArrayName property would be set to "collections".

9.4.5. Extending the local resources item

As an example of a local resources item, consider the collection object defined in defined in OGC API - Features. The following table cross-walks the information content of the collection object with the properties defined for the Record Core common component:

Table 16. Crosswalk of collection and record properties
Collection property Requirement Record property Requirement

































extent (space)




extent (time)
























































Many of the properties of the collection, a local resources item, are also properties of a record but the searchability of the collection can be improved by enhancing its information content. Thus, the following requirements and recommendations are made:

Requirement 76


Each record accessible via the local resource catalog SHALL contain all the mandatory properties listed in Table 8 and Table 9.

Permission 20


Table 15 table contains a list of recommended additional properties that MAY be added to the information model of a local resources item to enhance its searchability.

Permission 21


Each local resources item MAY contain any number of other additional properties not listed in Table 8, Table 9 and Table 15. The meaning of these other additional properties is not specified in this document.

In practice the responsible standard would define how the two sets of properties are merged into the local resources item. In this case it is straight forward since the collection object (path: /collections/{collectionID}) and the record share a large number of properties. Where there is a difference, extent versus geometry and time, can be handled by including both sets of properties in the local resources item and ensuring that their values are consistent.

9.4.6. Examples Collections example

The following JSON Schema fragments illustrate how to extended the collections object (a local resources catalog) and the collection object (a local resources item) to include properties required and recommended by this requirements class.

  - $ref: ''
  - $ref: '../../openapi/schemas/catalog.yaml'
  - type: object
        type: string
          - collections
          A list of static links associated with this record.
        type: array
          $ref: '../../../openapi/schemas/linkBase.yaml'
          A list of dynamic links associated with this record.
        type: array
          $ref: '../../../openapi/schemas/linkTemplate.yaml'
  - $ref: ''
  - $ref: '../../../openapi/schemas/recordCommonProperties.yaml'
          A list of static links associated with this record.
        type: array
          $ref: '../../../openapi/schemas/linkBase.yaml'
          A list of dynamic links associated with this record.
        type: array
          $ref: '../../../openapi/schemas/linkTemplate.yaml' Processes example

The following JSON Schema fragments illustrate how to extended the processes object (a local resources catalog) and the process summary (a local resources item) to include properties required and recommended by this requirements class.

  - $ref: ''
  - $ref: '../../../openapi/schemas/catalog.yaml'
  - type: object
        type: string
          - processes
          A list of static links associated with this record.
        type: array
          $ref: '../../../openapi/schemas/linkBase.yaml'
          A list of dynamic links associated with this record.
        type: array
          $ref: '../../../openapi/schemas/linkTemplate.yaml'
  - $ref: ''
  - $ref: '../../../openapi/schemas/recordCommonProperties.yaml'
          A list of static links associated with this record.
        type: array
          $ref: '../../../openapi/schemas/linkBase.yaml'
          A list of dynamic links associated with this record.
        type: array
          $ref: '../../../openapi/schemas/linkTemplate.yaml'
T.D.B. Should add an instance example of a collection object.

9.4.7. Discovery of local resources catalog endpoints

Discovery of which local resources catalog endpoints in an OGC API deployment are instrumented for catalog-like searching is accomplished using Autodiscovery.

Requirement 77


The 'links` section of a server’s landing page SHALL include one link (relation: for each API endpoint (e.g. /collections) that has been instrumented to be a local resources catalog.

9.4.8. Requirements Class "Local Resources Catalog - Query Parameters" (Deployment)

Requirements Class

Target type



Local Resources Catalog


Record Core Query Parameters

Requirement 78



A server’s conformance declaration SHALL be retrieved from the /conformance endpoint as defined in the Declaration of conformance classes clause of the OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core Standard.


An implementation of this requirements class SHALL declare the following conformance classes in the conformance declaration: * Operation
Requirement 79 /req/local-resources-catalog/query-parameters


The server SHALL, at the local resources endpoint, implement one or more of the Record Core Query Parameters as required to satisfy the server’s search requirements.


The set of Record Core Query Parameters implemented at the local resources endpoint SHALL be defined in the server’s API definition document. Response
Requirement 80 /req/local-resources-catalog/response


A successful execution of the operation SHALL be reported as a response with a HTTP status code 200.


The response SHALL conform to the requirements of the local resources endpoint being extended.


The response SHALL only include local resources objects selected by the request (e.g. only collections that satisfy the query predicates are retrieved from the /collections endpoint).

9.4.9. Requirements Class "Local Resources Catalog - Filtering" (Deployment) Overview

Requirements Class

Target type



Local Resources Catalog



The Local Resources Catalog - Filtering requirements class specifies requirements and recommendations for supporting advanced filtering at local resource catalog endpoints. Conformance

Requirement 81



A server’s conformance declaration SHALL be retrieved from the /conformance endpoint as defined in the Declaration of conformance classes clause of the OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core Standard.


An implementation of this requirements class SHALL declare the following conformance classes in the conformance declaration: Filtering

Requirement 82


Implementations that offer enhanced filtering SHALL, at the local resources catalog endpoint (e.g. /collections), implement the following requirements class.


9.4.10. Requirements Class "Local Resources Catalog - Sorting" (Deployment)

Requirements Class

Target type



Local Resources Catalog



The Local Resources Catalog - Sorting requirements class specifies requirements and recommendations for supporting sorting of responses at local resource catalog endpoints. Conformance

Requirement 84



A server’s conformance declaration SHALL be retrieved from the /conformance endpoint as defined in the Declaration of conformance classes clause of the OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core Standard.


An implementation of this requirements class SHALL declare the following conformance classes in the conformance declaration: Sorting

Requirement 85


Implementations of sorting of record responses SHALL, at the local resources endpoint (e.g. /collections), implement the following requirements class.

A Examples

Example 1: List all the collections that lie within a specific bounding box and contain the keyword weather.

   Client                                                          Server
     |                                                               |
     |   GET /collections?bbox=41.875315,-96.767601,56.732861,-73.476|
     |   586&q=weather   HTTP/1.1                                    |
     |   Accept: application/json                                    |
     |                                                               |
     |   HTTP/1.1 200 OK                                             |
     |   Content-Type: application/json                              |
     |                                                               |
     |   T.B.D. Need example output here...                          |

10. Media Types

10.1. Overview

The OGC API - Records Standard does not mandate any particular encoding for a record or a catalog. However, it does provide requirements classes for encodings that are commonly used in implementations of OGC API Standards. These encodings include JSON and HTML. This clause indicates the media that to be used for these encodings of the resources defined in this Standard.

10.2. Media types

A description of the MIME types is mandatory for any OGC API Standard that specifies requirements for data encoding(s). Table 17 provides a list of suitable MIME types for records and catalogs.

Table 17. API - Records MIME Types
Encoding MIME Type





application/geo+json; application=ogc-record






10.3. Default Encodings

The canonical method of selecting a desired response encoding is to use HTTP content negotiation. However, content negotiation is not required by the HTTP standard. Therefore, default encodings must be established.

Requirement 86 /req/record-core/default-mediatype


If the JSON conformance class is advertised, then the default media type for record content SHALL be GeoJSON (i.e. application/geo+json; application=ogc-record).


If the JSON conformance class is not advertised, then the default media type for record content SHALL be HTML (i.e text/html).

Requirement 87 /req/record-collection/default-mediatype


If the JSON conformance class is advertised, then the default media type for catalog content SHALL be JSON (i.e. application/ogc-catalog+json).


If the JSON conformance class is not advertised, then the default media type for catalog content SHALL be HTML (i.e. text.html).

Annex A: Conformance Class Abstract Test Suite (Normative)

A.1. Common components

Conformance Class

Target type


Requirements class

Requirements Class "Record Core"

A.1.1. Mandatory properties

Abstract Test 1


Test Purpose

Validate the a catalog record includes all mandatory properties.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a given catalog record.

  2. Issue a HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. Validate that the retrieved content includes all the mandatory properties listed in Table 8.

A.1.4. License

Abstract Test 5


Test Purpose

Validate the behavior of license object.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a given record.

  2. Issue a HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. Parse all link objects.

  4. Parse the license object if it exists.

  5. Check if the license includes a SPDX license identifier or a SPDX license expression string or the value other.

  6. If the value other is used, check that one link has a rel property with value of license.

A.1.5. Contacts

Abstract Test 6


Test Purpose

Validate the behavior of contacts objects.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a given record.

  2. Issue a HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. Parse the contacts member if it exists.

  4. If there is a contacts logo member, check that the link has a rel property with value of icon. Check that the media type is an image media type.

  5. If there is a contacts links member, check that the link has a rel property with value of about. Check that the media type indicates the content type of the link (e.g. text/html for a company’s web page versus text/vcard for a virtual contact file).

A.1.6. Time

Abstract Test 7


Test Purpose

Validate the behavior of time instance and intervals in time object.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a given record that includes the time member.

  2. Issue a HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. Parse time object.

  4. If the time object includes both a date and a timestamp member, check that the full-date parts are identical.

  5. If the time object includes both a timestamp and an interval member with start/end dates, check that the interval contains the date of the timestamp.

  6. If the time object includes both a timestamp and an interval member with start/end timestamps check that the interval contains the timestamp.

  7. If the time object includes both a date and an interval member with start/end dates, check that the interval contains the date.

  8. If the time object includes both a date and an interval member with start/end timestamps, check that the interval includes timestamps on the date.

Abstract Test 8


Test Purpose

Validate the behavior of time instances for time objects.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a given record that includes the time member.

  2. Issue a HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. Parse time object.

  4. If the time object includes a date member, check that the value conforms to RFC 3339 (Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps) and matches the production rule full-date.

  5. If the time object includes a timestamp member, check that the value conforms to RFC 3339 (Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps) and matches the production rule date-time.

Abstract Test 9


Test Purpose

Validate the behavior of time interval for time objects.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a given record that includes the time member.

  2. Issue a HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. Parse time object.

  4. If the time object includes an interval member, check that each array item is a string that is a double-dot (..) or conforms to RFC 3339 (Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps) and matches one of the following production rules: full-date (a date) or date-time (a timestamp)

  5. If the start is a date, check that the end is a date, or ..

  6. If the start is a timestamp, check that the end is a timestamp or ..

Abstract Test 10


Test Purpose

Validate the behavior of time zone for time member.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a given record that includes the time member.

  2. Issue a HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. Parse time member.

  4. Check that timestamps in the time member use UTC "Z" as the time zone.

A.1.7. Default media type

Abstract Test 11


Test Purpose

Check the default encoding for a catalog record.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a given catalog record.

  2. Issue a HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. Check if the JSON conformance class is advertised for the catalog.

  4. If yes, then check that the media type for content is application/geo+json; application=ogc-record.

  5. If no, then check that the media type for content is HTML.

Conformance Class

Target type


Requirements class

Requirements Class "Record Collection"

A.1.8. Catalog properties

Abstract Test 12


Test Purpose

Validate the a catalog objects includes all mandatory properties.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a catalog object.

  2. Issue a HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. Validate that the retrieved content includes all the mandatory properties listed in Table 11.

Abstract Test 13


Test Purpose

Validate the behavior of itemType member.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a catalog object.

  2. Issue a HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. Parse a itemType member if it exists.

  4. If the value of the itemType member is record verify that the catalog contains or references only record objects.

  5. If the value of the itemType member is catalog verify that the catalog only references other catalog objects.

  6. If the value of the itemType member is an array containing the values record and catalog verify that the catalog only references other record and catalog objects.

Abstract Test 14


Test Purpose

Validate the behavior of contacts objects.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a catalog object.

  2. Issue a HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. Parse a contacts member if it exists.

  4. If there is a contacts logo member, check that the link has a rel property with value of icon. Check that the media type is an image media type.

  5. If there is a contacts links member, check that the link has a rel property with value of about. Check that the media type indicates the content type of the link (e.g. text/html for a company’s web page versus text/vcard for a virtual contact file).

Abstract Test 15


Test Purpose

Validate the behavior of the license member.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a catalog object.

  2. Issue a HTTP GET request on that path

  3. Parse the license member if it exists.

  4. Check if the license includes a SPDX license identifier or a SPDX license expression string or the value other.

  5. If the value other is used, check that one link has a rel property with value of license.

A.1.10. Catalog records

Abstract Test 22


Test Purpose

Validate that the named of the inline records array is correctly advertised.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a given catalog.

  2. Issue a HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. If the retrieved content contains a recordsArrayName then local a member whose name is the value of the recordsArrayName member.

  4. Verify that this member exists in the catalog object and that it is an array.

Abstract Test 23


Test Purpose

Validate that inline records are correctly represented.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a given catalog.

  2. Issue a HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. If the retrieved content contains a recordsArrayName then local a member whose name is the value of the recordsArrayName member. Otherwise locate a member named records.

  4. If this member exists, verify that it is an array.

  5. If this member exists, verify that each member of this array is a valid record.

A.1.11. Media type

Abstract Test 24


Test Purpose

Check the default encoding for a catalog.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a given catalog.

  2. Issue a HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. Check if the JSON conformance class is advertised for the catalog.

  4. If yes, then check that the media type for content is application/ogc-catalog+json.

  5. If no, then check that the media type for content is HTML.

Conformance Class

Target type


Requirements class

Requirements Class "Records API"

A.1.12. Records API

Abstract Test 25


Test Purpose

Validate compliance to Features Core.


Test Method

Abstract Test 26


Test Purpose

Validate collection API endpoint.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path to retrieve a catalog description (path: /collections/{collectionId}).

  2. Issue a HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  4. Verify that the collection validates against the schema as defined in collection.yaml.

  5. Verify that the itemType property is a string with the value record.

Abstract Test 27


Test Purpose

Validate collections API endpoint.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path to retrieve a list of collections (path: /collections).

  2. Issue a HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  4. For each collection where the itemType property is a string with the value record use the test /conf/records-api/catalog-response to validate the schema of each catalog description.

Abstract Test 28


Test Purpose

Validate that a record can be retrieved from the expected location.


Test Method

  1. For a sufficiently large subset of all records in a catalog (path: /collections/{collectionId}), issue an HTTP GET request to the URL /collections/{collectionId}/items/{recordId} where {collectionId} is the id property for a collection, where the the itemType property is a string with the value records, and {recordId} is the id property of the record.

  2. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  3. Validate the contents of the returned records using the test /req/records-api/record-response.

Abstract Test 29


Test Purpose

Validate a record response from the API.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path (/collections/{catalogId}/items/{recordId}) to retrieve records from a catalog.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on that path and negotiate a GeoJSON (accept: application/geo+json application=ogc-record) response.

  3. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  4. Validate that the value of the Content-Type HTTP header is application/geo+json application=ogc-record.

  5. Validate the content of the response using the schema recordGeoJSON.yaml.

  6. Verify that all links in the links section include a rel parameter.

  7. Check that the links section of the record contains the following links:

    • a link to this response document (relation: self),

    • a typed link to the response document in every other media type supported by the service (relation: alternate), and

    • a link to the catalog that contains this record (relation: collection).

Abstract Test 30


Test Purpose

Validate that records can be retrieved from a catalog using query parameters.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path to retrieve records from a catalog (path: /collections/{collectionId}/items).

  2. The parameter collectionId is each id property in the collections response where the the itemsType property is a string with the value record.

  3. Demonstrate compliance with test /conf/core/fc-op.

  4. In addition to the parameters tested in /conf/core/fc-op, also test the following parameters:

  1. Execute requests with combinations of these query parameters and verify that only records that match all selection criteria are returned.

Abstract Test 31


Test Purpose

Validate the Records API implementation using Features API Standard with naming mapping.


Test Method

  1. Construct an API endpoint

  2. Check if the API conforms with OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core Standard by replacing each reference to features or feature by the terms records or record when interpreting requirements from the OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core Standard.

  3. Check the implementation of the Records API Standard with the Abstract Test Suite from the OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core Standard.

Abstract Test 32


Test Purpose

Validate each record containing the mandatory properties.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path to retrieve the server’s API description.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET operation on that path.

  3. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  4. Inspect the API description document and verify that the following parameters, listed in Table 12, are defined for the /collections/{collectionId}/items endpoint for all collections where the value of the itemType (JSONPath $.collections[*].itemType) property is record:

Conformance Class

Target type


Requirements class

Requirements Class "Record Core Query Parameters"

A.1.13. Query Parameters

Abstract Test 33


Test Purpose

Validate bbox query parameter.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a searchable endpoint and include a bbox query parameter.

  2. Validate that the bbox query parameter is constructed correctly using the test /conf/core/fc-bbox-definition.

  3. Issue an HTTP GET request on that path.

  4. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  5. Validate that the bbox query parameter is processed correctly using the test from /conf/core/fc-bbox-response.

  6. All references to the term "features" must be replaced by the term "record" or "local resources" as the context may indicate

Abstract Test 34


Test Purpose

Validate datetime query parameter.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a searchable endpoint and include a datetime query parameter.

  2. Validate that the datetime query parameter is constructed correctly using the test from /conf/core/fc-time-definition.

  3. Issue an HTTP GET request on that path.

  4. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  5. Validate that the datetime query parameter is processed correctly using the test /conf/core/fc-time-response.

  6. All references to the term "features" must be replaced by the term "record" or "local resource" as the context may indicate

Abstract Test 35


Test Purpose

Validate externalIds query parameter.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a searchable endpoint and include the externalIds query parameter.

  2. Validate that the externalIds query parameter is constructed correctly using an OpenAPI Specification 3.0 fragment:

name: externalIds
in: query
required: false
  type: array
    type: string
explode: false
  1. Issue an HTTP GET request on that path.

  2. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

Abstract Test 36


Test Purpose

Validate externalIds query parameter.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a searchable endpoint as per test /conf/record-core-query-parameters/externalIds-definition.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  4. Check that only records that have an external identifier, as indicated by the values of the externalIds core queryable, equal to one of the listed values specified using the externalIds parameter are in the result set.

Abstract Test 37


Test Purpose

Validate ids query parameter.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a searchable endpoint and include the ids query parameter.

  2. Validate that the ids query parameter is constructed correctly using an OpenAPI Specification 3.0 fragment:

name: ids
in: query
required: false
  type: array
    type: string
explode: false
  1. Issue an HTTP GET request on that path.

  2. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

Abstract Test 38


Test Purpose

Validate ids query parameter.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a searchable endpoint as per test /conf/record-core-query-parameters/ids-definition.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  4. Check that only records whose identifier match one of the identifiers specified using ids query parameter are in the results set.

Abstract Test 39


Test Purpose

Validate limit query parameter.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a searchable endpoint and include a limit query parameter.

  2. Validate that the limit query parameters are constructed correctly using the test from /conf/core/fc-limit-definition.

  3. Issue an HTTP GET request on that path.

  4. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  5. Validate that the server responds correctly using the test /conf/core/fc-limit-response.

  6. All references to the term "features" must be replaced by the term "record" or "local resource" as the context may indicate

Abstract Test 40


Test Purpose

Validate q query parameter.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a searchable endpoint and include the q query parameter.

  2. Validate that the q parameter is constructed correctly using an OpenAPI Specification 3.0 fragment:

name: q
in: query
required: false
  type: array
    type: string
explode: false
  1. Issue an HTTP GET request on that path.

  2. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

Abstract Test 41


Test Purpose

Validate q query parameter.


Test Method

  1. Construct a search path with a single search term as per test /conf/record-core-query-parameters/q-definition.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  4. Check that only records that contain that search term in one or more of the searched text fields are in the result set.

  5. Construct a search path with multiple search terms that are comma separated (logical OR) as per test /conf/record-core-query-parameters/q-definition.

  6. Issue an HTTP GET request on that path.

  7. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  8. Check that only records that contain one or more the specified search terms in one or more of the searched text fields are in the result set.

  9. Construct a search path with multiple search terms that are white space separated as per test /conf/record-core-query-parameters/q-definition.

  10. Issue an HTTP GET request on that path.

  11. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  12. Check that only records that contain all the search terms specified, in the order specified and separated by any number of white spaces in one or more of the searched text fields are in the result set.

Abstract Test 42


Test Purpose

Validate type query parameter.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a searchable endpoint and include the type query parameter.

  2. Validate that the type query parameter is constructed correctly using an OpenAPI Specification 3.0 fragment:

name: type
in: query
required: false
  type: array
    type: string
    maxLength: 64
explode: false
  1. Issue an HTTP GET request on the path

  2. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

Abstract Test 43


Test Purpose

Validate type query parameter.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a searchable endpoint as per test /conf/record-core-query-parameters/type-definition.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  4. Check that only records whose type, as indicated by the value of the type core queryable, is equal to one of the listed values specified using the type parameter are in the result set.

Conformance Class

Target type



OGC API - Features - Part 3: Filtering and the Common Query Language (CQL)

Requirements class

Requirements Class "Filtering using the Common Query Language (CQL)"

A.1.14. Filter Parameters

Abstract Test 44


Test Purpose

Validate filter query parameter.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a searchable endpoint and include a filter query parameter. That may optionally include a filter-crs and filter-lang parameter.

  2. Validate that the filter query parameter is constructed correctly as per /req/filter/filter-param.

  3. Issue an HTTP GET request on that path.

  4. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

Abstract Test 45


Test Purpose

Validate filter-lang query parameter.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a searchable endpoint and include a filter-lang query parameter.

  2. Validate that the filter-lang query parameter is constructed correctly as per /req/filter/filter-lang-param.

  3. Issue an HTTP GET request on that path.

  4. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

Abstract Test 46


Test Purpose

Validate filter-crs query parameter.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a searchable endpoint and include a filter-crs query parameter.

  2. Validate that the filter-crs query parameter is constructed correctly as per /req/filter/filter-crs-param.

  3. Issue an HTTP GET request on that path.

  4. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

A.1.15. Filter Response

Abstract Test 47


Test Purpose

Validate filter response.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a searchable endpoint and include the filter query parameter. The path may optionally include the filter-lang and filter-crs query parmeters.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET on that path.

  3. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  4. Validate that the filter query parameters are processed correctly as per /req/filter/response.

  5. All references to the term "features" must be replaced by the term "record" or "local resources" as the context may indicate

Conformance Class

Target type


Requirements class

Requirements Class "Sorting"

A.1.16. Conformance

Abstract Test 48


Test Purpose

Validate conformance identification.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a conformance page.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. Check that the conformsTo array contains the value

A.1.17. Default sort order definition

Abstract Test 49


Test Purpose

Validate the behavior of sort order definitions.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a collection page.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on the path.

  3. Check that the defaultSortOrder attribute exists.

  4. Construct a path for collection sortables.

  5. Issue an HTTP GET request on the path

  6. For each sortable found in the defaultSortOrder array, check that it is present in the results of the sortables result.

Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a collection page.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on the path.

  3. Check that the defaultSortOrder attribute exists.

  4. Using one sortable, construct a path for an .../items query with sortby using explicit ascending order (+).

  5. Issue an HTTP GET request on the path.

  6. Parse the response to capture the sortable property for each record returned.

  7. Verify that sorting the list of sortable properties in ascending order is consistent with the response of the server.

  8. Using one sortable, construct a path for an .../items query with sortby using descending order (-).

  9. Issue an HTTP GET request on the path.

  10. Parse the response to capture the sortable property for each record returned.

  11. Verify that reverse sorting the list of sortable properties in descending order is consistent with the response of the server.

Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a collection page.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on the path.

  3. Check that the defaultSortOrder attribute exists.

  4. Using one sortable, construct a path for an .../items query with sortby using explicit ascending order (+).

  5. Issue an HTTP GET request on the path.

  6. Using the same sortable, construct a path for an .../items query with sortby using implicit ascending order (i.e. no +).

  7. Issue an HTTP GET request on the path.

  8. Verify that the records returned in both responses are identical.

A.1.18. Sortables endpoint

Abstract Test 50


Test Purpose

Validate the behavior of sortables endpoint.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a collection page.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on the path.

  3. Parse all link objects from collection objects whose itemType value is record.

  4. Check that at least one link contains a rel of with a media type of application/schema+json.

  5. Use the href attribute Construct a path for collection sortables.

  6. Issue an HTTP GET request on the path

  7. For each sortable found in the defaultSortOrder array, check that it is present in the results of the sortables result.

Abstract Test 51


Test Purpose

Validate the behavior of sortables endpoint.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a collection sortables page.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on the path.

  3. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  4. If the HTTP Content Type is application/schema+json:

  5. Check that the $schema attribute exists with a value of or

  6. Check that the $id attribute exists with a value of the name of the collection.

  7. Check that the type attribute exists with a value of object.

  8. Construct a path for a collections .../items query.

  9. Issue an HTTP GET request on the path.

  10. Check that each sortable is available in the record’s properties object.

A.1.19. Query parameter definition

Abstract Test 52


Test Purpose

Validate the availability of the sortby query parameter.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a landing page.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on the path.

  3. Parse all link objects

  4. Find the link object href attribute whose link object’s rel attribute value is service-desc and type attribute value is application/vnd.oai.openapi+json;version=3.0.

  5. Issue an HTTP GET request on the href.

  6. Parse the resulting OpenAPI document and detect a path object whose endpoint value ends with +…​/items.

  7. Check that the get.parameters object contains an object defining a sortby parameter.

A.1.20. Query parameter behavior

Abstract Test 53


Test Purpose

Validate the availability of the sortby query parameter.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a collection page.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on the path.

  3. Check that the defaultSortOrder attribute exists.

  4. Construct a path for collection sortables.

  5. Issue an HTTP GET request on the path

  6. For each sortable found in the defaultSortOrder array, check that it is present in the results of the sortables result.

Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a collection page.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on the path.

  3. Check that the defaultSortOrder attribute exists.

  4. Using one sortable, construct a path for an .../items query with sortby using explicit ascending order (+).

  5. Issue an HTTP GET request on the path.

  6. Parse the response to capture the sortable property for each record returned.

  7. Verify that sorting the list of sortable properties in ascending order is consistent with the response of the server.

  8. Using one sortable, construct a path for an .../items query with sortby using descending order (-).

  9. Issue an HTTP GET request on the path.

  10. Parse the response to capture the sortable property for each record returned.

  11. Verify that reverse sorting the list of sortable properties in descending order is consistent with the response of the server.

Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a collection page.

  2. Check that the specific set of keys that may be used for sorting are specified by the /collections/{collectionId}/sortables resource

Conformance Class

Target type


Requirements class


A.1.21. Conformance

Abstract Test 54


Test Purpose

Validate html identification.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a conformance page.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. Check that the conformsTo array contains the value

A.1.22. API

Abstract Test 55


Test Purpose

Validate the HTML response content.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a collections/items page.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on the path

  3. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  4. Check that the HTTP Content-Type header value is text/html.

  5. Check that the response validates as an HTML 5 document

  6. Using the id of a given record, construct a path for a collections/items/<featureId> page.

  7. Issue an HTTP GET request on the path

  8. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  9. Check that the HTTP Content-Type header value is text/html.

  10. Check that the response validates as an HTML 5 document

  11. Check that all information identified in the schemas of the Response Object exists in the HTML <body> and all links in HTML <a> elements in the HTML <body>

Abstract Test 56


Test Purpose

Validate the content type of HTML response.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for each server operation.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on the path

  3. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  4. Check that the HTTP Content-Type header value is text/html.

Conformance Class

Target type


Requirements class


A.1.23. Conformance

Abstract Test 57


Test Purpose

Validate conformance identification.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a conformance page.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. Check that the conformsTo array contains the value

A.1.24. Catalog

Abstract Test 58


Test Purpose

Validate the JSON representation of a catalog.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a catalog page.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on the path

  3. Check that the media type of the response is application/ogc-catalog+json

  4. Check that the response validates against the schema as defined in

Abstract Test 59


Test Purpose

Validate the JSON response of a catalog.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a catalog page.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on the path

  3. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  4. Check that the HTTP Content-Type header value is application/ogc-catalog+json.

A.1.25. Record

Abstract Test 60


Test Purpose

Validate the behavior of link relations for record geojson.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a collections/items page.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on the path

  3. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  4. Check that the HTTP Content-Type header value is application/geo+json.

  5. Check that the response validates against as defined in

  6. Using the id of a given record, construct a path for a collections/items/<featureId> page.

  7. Issue an HTTP GET request on the path

  8. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  9. Check that the HTTP Content-Type header value is application/geo+json.

  10. Check that the response contains a links array.

  11. Check that the response validates against as defined in

Abstract Test 61


Test Purpose

Validate the JSON response of a record.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for one or more records.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on the path

  3. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  4. Check that the HTTP Content-Type header value is application/geo+json.

  5. Check that the response validates against as defined in

Conformance Class

Target type


Requirements class

Requirements Class "OpenAPI 3.0"

A.1.26. Conformance

Abstract Test 62


Test Purpose

Validate conformance identification.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a conformance page.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. Check that the conformsTo array contains the value

A.1.27. API description document

Abstract Test 63


Test Purpose

Validate oas30 service description document.


Test Method

Conformance Class

Target type


Requirements class


A.2. Crawlable catalog

Conformance Class

Target type


Requirements class

Crawlable Catalog


Record Collection



A.2.1. Conformance

Abstract Test 65


Test Purpose

Validate conformance identification.


Test Method

  1. Obtain the path to a catalog

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on the path

  3. Check that the conformsTo array contains the value

A.2.2. Record

Abstract Test 66


Test Purpose

Verify that a record is retrieveble from the Web


Test Method

  1. Determine the URL of a record

  2. Resolve the URL and retrieve the record

  3. Check that the record validates against the schema defined in

  4. Locate each link (relation: describes) in the links or linkTemplates section of the record and verify that each link target is retrieveable

Abstract Test 67


Test Purpose

Validate a crawlable catalog.


Test Method

  1. Determine the URL of a record

  2. Verify that the URL can be resolved and retrieve the record

A.2.3. Catalog

Abstract Test 68


Test Purpose

Validate a crawlable catalog object


Test Method

  1. Obtain a catalog object

  2. Check that the catalog object validates against the schema defined in

Abstract Test 69


Test Purpose

Verify that a catalog is retrievable from the Web


Test Method

  1. Determine the URL of the crawlable catalog.

  2. Verify that the URL can be resolved and retrieve the catalog object.

A.3. Local Resources Catalog

Conformance Class

Target type


Requirements class

Local Resources Catalog


Record Core


Record Collection



A.3.1. Conformance

Abstract Test 70


Test Purpose

Validate conformance identification.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a conformance page.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. Check that the conformsTo array contains the value

  4. If the server supports JSON responses, check that the conformsTo array contains the value

  5. If the server supports HTML responses, check that the conformsTo array contains the value

A.3.2. Local resources catalog

Abstract Test 71


Test Purpose

Validate conformance identification.


Test Method

A.3.3. Discovery

Abstract Test 72


Test Purpose

Validate discovery identification.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path to retrieve a server’s landing page.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  4. Parse the links section of the landing page and identify all links with relation

  5. Construct a path to retrieve the server’s API description document.

  6. Issue an HTTP GET request on that path.

  7. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  8. Inspect the API description document an verify that all the endpoints identified by links with relation are also defined as endpoints in the server’s API description document.

A.3.4. Mandatory catalog properties

Abstract Test 73


Test Purpose

Verify that all mandatory catalog properties are present.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a local resources catalog page.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on the path

  3. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  4. Check that the response conforms to the requirements of the local resource being extended.

  5. Check that the response includes all the mandatory properties listed in the Table 11.

A.3.5. Mandatory record properties

Abstract Test 74


Test Purpose

Validate conformance identification.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a record from local resources catalog.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on the path

  3. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  4. Check that the response conforms to the requirements of the local resource object (e.g. /collection/{collectionId}) extended.

  5. Check that the response includes all the mandatory properties listed in Table 8 and Table 9

Conformance Class

Target type


Requirements class

Requirements Class "Query Parameters"


Local Resources Catalog


Record Core Query Parameters

A.3.6. Conformance

Abstract Test 75


Test Purpose

Validate conformance identification.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a conformance page.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. Check that the conformsTo array contains the value

A.3.7. Query Parameters

Abstract Test 76


Test Purpose

Determine the set of supported query parameters.


Test Method

  1. Fetch the server’s API document (e.g. path: /api).

  2. Inspect the API document and verify that one or more of the bbox, datetime, q, type, externalId and any additional query parameters are supported.

A.3.8. Response

Abstract Test 77


Test Purpose

Validate query parameters response.


Test Method

  1. Validate via the server’s API document which query parameters are supported (see test /conf/local-resources-catalog/query-parameters/query-parameters).

  2. Construct a path for records from the local resource catalog and include one or more of the supported query parameters.

  3. Issue an HTTP GET request on that path.

  4. Check that all records in the response satisfy the query predicates specified using the query parameters.

Conformance Class

Target type


Requirements class

Local Resources Catalog - Filtering


Local Resources Catalog



A.3.9. Conformance

Abstract Test 78


Test Purpose

Validate conformance identification.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a conformance page.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  4. Check that the conformsTo array contains the values:

A.3.10. Filtering

Abstract Test 79


Test Purpose

Validate local-resources catalog CQL filtering.


Test Method

  1. Demonstrate conformance to at the local resources catalog endpoint (e.g. /collections).

Conformance Class

Target type


Requirements class

Local Resources Catalog - Sorting


Local Resources Catalog



A.3.12. Conformance

Abstract Test 81


Test Purpose

Validate conformance identification.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a conformance page.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  4. Check that the conformsTo array contains the values:

A.3.13. Sorting

Abstract Test 82


Test Purpose

Validate sorting.


Test Method

  1. Demonstrate conformance to at the local resources catalog endpoint (e.g. /collections) using the test

A.4. Searchable Catalog

Conformance Class

Target type


Requirements class

Requirements Class "Searchable Catalog"


Records API


Record Core


Record Collection


Record Core Query Parameters






OpenAPI 3.0

A.4.1. Conformance

Abstract Test 83


Test Purpose

Validate conformance identification.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a conformance page.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  4. Check that the conformsTo array contains the values:

  5. If the server supports JSON responses check that the conformsTo array contains the values:

  6. If the server supports HTML responses check that the conformsTo array contains the values:

  7. If the server supports an OpenAPI 3.0 service description document check that the conformsTo array contains the values:

A.4.3. Mandatory catalog properties

Abstract Test 85


Test Purpose

Verify that all mandatory catalog properties are present.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for retrieving a catalog description document (path: /collections/{collectionId}).

  2. The parameter collectionId is each id property in the collections response (JSONPath: $.collections[*].id) where the itemType (JSONPath $.collections[*].itemType) property is a string and its value is record.

  3. Issue a HTTP GET request on that path.

  4. Parse each retrieved catalog description.

  5. Check that each record includes all the mandatory properties listed in Table 11.

A.4.4. Mandatory record properties

Abstract Test 86


Test Purpose

Validate each record contains the mandatory properties.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for retrieving records from a searchable catalog endpoint (path: /collections/{collectionId}/items).

  2. The parameter collectionId is each id property in the collections response (JSONPath: $.collections[*].id) where the itemType (JSONPath $.collections[*].itemType) property is a string and its value is record.

  3. Issue a HTTP GET request on that path.

  4. Parse each retrieved record.

  5. Check that each record includes all the mandatory properties listed in Table 8 and Table 9.

Conformance Class

Target type


Requirements class

Requirements Class "Searchable Catalog"


Searchable Catalog



A.4.5. Conformance

Abstract Test 87


Test Purpose

Validate conformance identification.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a conformance page.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  4. Check that the conformsTo array contains the values:

A.4.6. Filtering

Abstract Test 88


Test Purpose

Validate enhanced filtering.


Test Method

  1. Demonstrate conformance to at the searchable catalog endpoint of /collections/{collectionId}/items where the itemType property of the collection with id {collectionId} (JSONPath: $.collections[*].itemType) is a string with the value record.

A.4.7. Mandatory queryables

Abstract Test 89


Test Purpose

Validate existence of mandatory queryables.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a collection queryables page.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  4. Inspect the response and verify that the list of queryables includes all the mandatory properties listed in Table 8 and Table 9.

Conformance Class

Target type


Requirements class

Requirements Class "Sorting"


Searchable Catalog



A.4.8. Conformance

Abstract Test 90


Test Purpose

Validate conformance identification.


Test Method

  1. Construct a path for a conformance page.

  2. Issue an HTTP GET request on that path.

  3. Check that the value of the returned HTTP status header is 200.

  4. Check that the conformsTo array contains the values:

A.4.9. Sorting

Abstract Test 91


Test Purpose

Validate sorting.


Test Method

  1. Demonstrate conformance to at the searchable catalog endpoint of /collections/{collectionId}/items where the itemType property of the collection with id {collectionId} (JSONPath: $.collections[*].itemType) is a string with the value record.

Annex B: Implementation summaries (Informative)

B.1. Overview

This annex presents implementation summaries for the crawlable catalog searchable catalog and local resources catalog deployment patterns. This information is meant to be a short guide for developers.

B.2. Crawlable catalog

To implement a catalog where records are stored as individual files in one or more web-accessible locations and can be crawled by simply following hypermedia controls:

  • For each discoverable resource create a file that contains a summary description of the resource using the record schema defined in Table 8 and Table 9.

  • Extend the record schema to enrich its content as necessary.

  • To make the resource discoverable, place each record file in a web-accessible location, preferably co-located (e.g. in the same directory or object store location) with the resource that the record is describing.

  • Optionally create a file containing a description of a collection of related records.

  • Also place the collection file in a web-accessible location.

B.3. Searchable catalog

In order to implement a catalog where records are stored in some backend database and are accessed through an access/search API:

B.4. Local resources catalog

In order to implement a local resource catalog at an OGC API resources endpoint such as /collections for example:

  • Implement the endpoint as per the relevant OGC API Standard.

  • Enhance the information content of the resource using the mandatory and optional parameters defined in Table 9.

  • Implement the query parameters defined in Table 12.

  • Optionally implement filtering, sorting.

Annex C: Common resource types (Informative)

C.1. Overview

This annex describes common resource types when qualifying resources via a record’s properties.type property, in the absence of a formal controlled vocabulary. Please note that these codelists and identifiers are NOT normative. For information communities wishing to formally identify and qualify, it is suggested that a specification extension be developed to meet those requirements.

C.1.3. Additional Resource Type Vocabularies

  • DCAT 2 type/genre: [1]

  • DCAT 3 type/genre: [2]

  • DMCI Type Vocabulary [3]

Annex D: Common contact roles (Informative)

D.1. Overview

This annex describes common contact types when qualifying contact roles via a record contact’s roles property, in the absence of a formal controlled vocabulary. Please note that these codelists and identifiers are NOT normative. For information communities wishing to formally identify and qualify, it is suggested that a specification extension be developed to meet those requirements.

Annex E: Crosswalk between STAC and OGC API - Records - Part 1 Core (Informative)

The document "Crosswalk between STAC and OGC API - Records" presents a comparison between this standard and the Spatial Temporal Asset Catalog, V 1.0.0.

Annex F: Bibliography

Annex G: Revision History

Date Release Editor Primary clauses modified Description



C. Heazel


initial template



T. Kralidis


changes to reflect Records, editorial updates, add Q parameter to clause 7



T. Kralidis


full review for 1.0.0-draft.1



A. Tzotsos


full review for 1.0.0-draft.1



T. Kralidis


full review for 1.0.0-oab-review.1



A. Tzotsos


full review for 1.0.0-oab-review.1
