--- $schema: https://gitlab.com/crim.ca/clients/cubewerx/quote-estimator/-/raw/main/src/quote-estimator/schema.yaml inputs: # metadata that describes the expected process inputs process-input: size: 209715200 # 200 MiB config: # rates applied for this quote estimation of the process # for this example, assume a base rate and a process that highly depends on variable memory usage # other estimator/rates could be added as needed for advanced use cases: [duration, storage, GPU usage, CPU, usage] flat_rate: 10 memory_rate: 0.005 memory_estimator: # mapping of any ONNX-compatible model to process inputs # this is a pretrained model that should be obtained from some previous usage analysis of the process inputs: input: process-input output: variable model: irVersion: '8' producerName: skl2onnx producerVersion: '1.13' domain: ai.onnx modelVersion: '0' docString: '' opsetImport: - domain: ai.onnx.ml version: '1' - domain: '' version: '17' graph: node: - input: - input output: - variable name: LinearRegressor opType: LinearRegressor attribute: - name: coefficients floats: - 7.394776e-08 type: FLOATS - name: intercepts floats: - 10.522503 type: FLOATS domain: ai.onnx.ml name: c0ebe96ccead470493f9742d6980bcf0 input: - name: input type: tensorType: elemType: 1 shape: dim: - { } - dimValue: '1' output: - name: variable type: tensorType: elemType: 1 shape: dim: - { } - dimValue: '1'