type: object required: - executionUnit properties: processDescription: $ref: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opengeospatial/wps-rest-binding/master/core/openapi/schemas/process.yaml executionUnit: description: Resource containing an executable or runtime information for executing the process. type: array minItems: 1 items: type: object properties: config: description: Hardware requirements and configuration properties for executing the process. properties: cpuMin: description: Minimum number of CPUs required to run the process (unit is CPU core). type: number minValue: 1 cpuMax: description: Maximum number of CPU dedicated to the process (unit is CPU core) type: number memoryMin: description: Minimum RAM memory required to run the application (unit is GB) type: number memoryMax: description: Maximum RAM memory dedicated to the application (unit is GB) type: number storageTempMin: description: Minimum required temporary storage size (unit is GB) type: number storageOutputsMin: description: Minimum required output storage size (unit is GB) type: number jobTimeout: description: Timeout delay for a job execution (in seconds) type: number additionalProperties: true additionalProperties: true example: type: docker image: mydocker/ndvi:latest config: cpuMin: 2 cpuMax: 5 memoryMin: 1 memoryMax: 3